I'm in for a Wild Ride

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The song when she gets home, Smooth Criminal 💜 Outfit is for when Haleigh goes to school!


"Annie, are you ok? So, Annie are you ok? Are you ok, Annie? Annie, are you ok? So, Annie are you ok? Are you ok, Annie? Annie, are you ok? So, Annie are you ok? Are you ok, Annie? You've been hit by, you've been hit by, a smooth criminal!" Standing on top of the coffee table, singing my heart out, using my hair brush as a microphone, hips in full swing when I hear loud thumps on the door that stops me dead in my tracks. Maybe I should back up a little? The rest of my shift was boring and uneventful, just like the drive home. When I got home, I flung open the door and threw my keys on the table that's to the right. I walked slowly holding out my hands in front of me careful not to run into something before I switched on the lights to the living room. After being blinded for a couple seconds, I went to the kitchen which is being dimly lit by the living room light since the only thing separating the two rooms is a breakfast bar. As I opened up the fridge to see what food we have, I called out, "Hunter?" No response. Probably out with Britney, or was it Rebecca? I can never be sure. After settling for a microwave dinner, I popped it in the microwave and went to the living room.  Walking to the wall closest to the door, I flipped through a few vinyls before I pulled out one of my favorite albums. Michael Jackson's album: Bad. I cue up one of my favorite's from the album, Smooth Criminal. And now you're all caught up.

My heart is beating so hard and fast I swear it's going to leap out of my chest. I walked to the door slowly before opening up the closet that's by the front door and grabbing the baseball bat. Gripping it tightly, I take a few steps forward and fling open the door and rush backwards, in full stance to take a swing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there, princess. Let's just put the bat down!" Everything was pitch black and that's when I realized my eyes were clenched shut. I open one eye slowly before I see Gunner standing there, handsome as ever. I relax a bit and lower the bat, opening both eyes. The way the moonlight is hitting his features, everything about him looks so perfect, so ama- my thoughts cut off by the sound of his voice. "You can stop undressing me with your eyes now, princess, and invite me in." His voice just oozed with confidence and it radiated off him like it was something toxic.

"Whatever, you have something on your face." I spat out and turned around, leaving the door open. After putting the bat away, I walked to the kitchen to get my food I completely forgot about. That's what Michael Jackson will do to you, forget everything.

I heard the door close before him saying, "I was knocking for like two minutes, you know? Your music was up so loud I couldn't even hear myself think." I could hear his voice following me.

"Good, maybe if I turn it up loud enough I won't hear you anymore either." I lean against the counter, facing him, digging into my food. Real lady-like, Haleigh, real lady-like. "Look, can we just hurry this up? I need to get to bed, we have school in the morning. Speaking of school, please don't tell anyone where I work. It's a secret I'm trying to keep." I looked him dead in the eyes, showing my sincerity.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone. You might want to sit down for what I'm about to tell you." I give him a puzzling look, brows furrowed, and even tilted my head like I'm a dog. But, I don't question, I just walked to the living room and plopped on the couch, him stopping in front of me before looking around and dragging the coffee table closer and sitting on it. "Listen, Haleigh. I know you feel it, I can see it on your face when you look at me. We're mates. I definitely wasn't expecting it but it's not something either of us can avoid."

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