Pack House.. And The "Boys."

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It seemed like we had been driving for hours and at some point Gunner has turned on the radio to drown out the awkward silence and I rested my head against the window afraid to imagine was I just got myself into. After being on this deserted road for miles we turned onto this dirt road that went straight into the woods, kind of ominous but he told me to keep an open mind. We drove for another 30 minutes before he stopped the car and looked at me.

"Is this the part where I get murdered?" I ask, skeptically, a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

He laughed before he spoke. "Haleigh, before we go any further we need to talk. I should have told you before you even came this far but I wanted to do somewhere I could find you if necessary." Gunner was tense and seemed like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. "There's honestly no easy way to say this so I'm just going to blurt it. I'm a werewolf-" before he could even finish I burst into fits of laughter.

"You-" I took a deep breath after laughing some more, "werewolf-" again, another fit of laugher, "Gunner, you're too funny." I finally let out a deep sigh and looked at him and my face dropped. He looked serious.

"Hay, I am. This isn't a joke and I really wish I didn't have to tell you like this but it's the truth." Gunner ran his hand through his hair and sighed, deeply. "I knew this wasn't going to work." He whispered to himself but loud enough to where I heard.

I don't know why but for some reason I reached out and put my hand on his thigh. "Hey, it's ok." I rubbed my thumb on his leg for a little bit longer, I could see him visibly calm down at my touch, his whole body seemed to relax like I was magical. I cleared my throat and sat up, "Ok, so you're a werewolf. Got it. Anything else?" I was certain he was crazy and maybe it was all just a weird dream and I hadn't actually even gone to school that day.

"Uh... well, yes. A bit more." He took a deep breath and talked faster than an the speed of sound. "We'reabouttogotomyhometownwhereeveryoneisawerewolfbecausemyfamilywantstomeetyoubecausewe'rematesandtheonlywaywecouldhavematedisifyou'realsoawerewolf." Not a single breath was taken, nor was a single word understood.

"Whoa whoa whoa, Gunner. Slow down. I can't understand you."

"We're about to go to my home town were everyone is a werewolf because my family wants to meet you because we're mates and the only way we could have mated is if you're also a werewolf. There, are you happy!?" He almost shouted at me in frustration.

"Ok, Gunner... well, I think that I would know if I was a werewolf for one. And for two, werewolves don't even exist so you can stop with this whole prank now, I got it. You're just playing a joke on me." I reached for the handle and got out of the car, yes it seemed like we were driving for hours but I wasn't about to let this douchebag drive me home, I'll walk until I have service and Kyrn can come pick me up. I knew this was too good to be true. I am a nobody, he didn't even know my name until a couple of days ago. I should've guessed, honestly.

"Hay, Hay, please. Wait." I didn't even hear him get out of the car, yet I felt his hand on my arm and the feeling of the electricity explode like always, but it was amplified this time. Like the second our skin touched a fire ignited between us. It was as if there was literally a connection between us. "I can prove it to you."

"Oh, please do you big bad scary wolf." I said sarcastically and turned around and continued to walk the opposite direction of him at the car. I felt the both of his hands on either of my arms and I was frozen, looking away from him. He walked in front of me and he made me promise not to scream. Then, I had the longest minute of my life. I heard each bone break in several different spots, his body looking like a human to something out of the exorcist, his sun kissed skin go from perfect to hairy in a matter of seconds. Even if I tried to scream, I don't think I could. I was frozen. This pure black wolf stood in front of me. He was bigger than the car, towering over me. Instinctively, I reached out and got within an inch of his fur before trying to pull away. I was stopped when Gunner, or whoever this was, put his head in the palm of my hand. I felt that spark. That undeniable electrocution that happens every time Gunner and I touch. Before I even knew what was happening, I let out a blood curdling scream and everything went black.

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