Is it Dinner Time Yet!?

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After trying very hard to remember the directions, I open a door to the room I think Gunner was telling me to go to, and boy was I wrong. As I opened the door I could smell the cigar smoke and expensive scotch from the doorway, sneaking a peak of the vast bookshelves lining the walls. I went to shut the door, assuming no one was in the room but as I moved the door, I heard a raspy voice call out to me, "Yes?" So I opened the door more, unsure of what to expect. I took in the room first, it was basically a library in there. Every wall except for the one the door was one was floor to ceiling built in book cases, full to the brim with old books. The room was dimly lit, only having two lamps on with the curtains to the windows drawn closed. That's when my eyes finally landed on the man sitting behind the desk in the middle of the room, facing me.

"I asked you what you needed, spit it out or stop wasting my time, I'm a very busy man, you know." He said clearer this time, taking a sip of dark liquid after speaking to me, what I could only assume was the scotch I was smelling. A very familiar scent to me since I worked at a night club where old men, just like him, would come to drink, smoke and gawk at girls like me.

I took a step in before clearing my throat, "My apologies sir, I've never been here and stupidly I told Gunner I could find the guest room on my own, unaware that the hallway had so many doors, and I had a weird encounter in the hallway so I got turned around and lost." I stated matter-o-factly, before quickly adding, "I was not trying to waste your time, or interrupt at all, so I will be going and finding that guest room now, again, I'm sorry." And as I said those last words, I turned to step back out of the room before the man spoke again.

"Please, sit Haleigh. I didn't know it was you at first. I would much like to have a word with you, if you're feeling apt to it." I turned back around and looked at the man a little closer, realizing it had to have been Gunner's father since he very closely resembled an older looking Gunner. He shuffled some files together and shut the folder they were in before I was able to see them as I ushered myself to the seat in front of the desk, sitting at the end as if to run at any point.

"What did you need, sir?" I was trying my absolute best to be as professional as I could, with everything that Gunner has told me, and my very little knowledge of this whole 'werwolf' thing besides a few books, which I'm sure were a bit inaccurate, he was the Alpha of this pack, which meant he was the strongest. Gulp.

"How are you doing, really? Please be honest with me, or I will know." He didn't even look up at me from his laptop where he was typing vigorously.

"Sir, if you need to work, I can come back another time that is more convenient to you-" I tried to start getting up before I continued to hopefully make my break for the door.

"Sit." Was all he said after cutting me off, in the most authoritative voice I had ever heard in my whole life. I sat back down immediately. "Now, I asked you a question, please answer me, I do not enjoy repeating myself, especially to beta wolves." His aura of dominance was just searing off of him as I was thinking of how to respond, before I could think of a proper response, he finished his typing, closed his laptop, and looked up at me for the first time since I had entered the room. "Well?"

"Sorry, sir, I was thinking. You asked me to answer honestly, and honestly, I have no idea how I am doing. I haven't had a minute to myself to wrap my brain around any of this, I have a million questions, I don't know how to feel or what to think at this point." I was just looking down at my lap where I was twiddling my fingers together nervously.

"As to be expected by anyone in your circumstances. When my son came home from school the other day and swore up and down he had mated with a human, we were all baffled since that hasn't happened in centuries. So, I did some digging. Your parents were Stacy and Noah Stewart, correct?" All I could do was nod, not even Gunner knew who my parents were so this was no trick, and it terrified me. I'm assuming he sensed my reluctance so he continued, "I found out that your father was from a neighboring pack of this area, the Crescent Moon Pack, who went rogue when he was 18. None of them knew what had happened to him, they waited for an attack, hoping that some other pack had captured him but he never returned so he was labeled an omega and forgotten about. After I had reached that dead end, I started my research on your mother. I had to contact all of my scouts to even get a lead but I finally found something just now, that is what I was doing when you stumbled in here."

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