90 days to love - Chapter 13

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My mother and I share the Genetrix bond. It is only contested in strength by the bond between two partners. As we slouch on either end of my white couch, Jared perches on the edge of the breakfast chair. His rough thumb draws smooth circles on the back of hand as he focuses on the hologram upon his lap. My gaze never leaves my mothers as she relates her stories of my childhood, her likes and dislikes and her most recent information of the Caritas ship to Jared and I.

"It is wonderful there Lara, you would love it" She sighs wistfully.

"Sadly I don't think I'd be excused to come and visit" I reply.

My mother smiles understandingly. "Maybe when we  return to Earth they'll be on display...an exhibition of some sort"

"You could be right Elizabeth" Jared notes before turning his attention back to a hologram. I notice his slight disinterest and disattachment to the prescence of my mother. He is polite and civil but aside from a few comments here and there, he is aloof. 

"Is the ship different to this one?"

"Completely" My mother nods. "For one the people are real there"

"Any other differences apart from that?" I smile. 

"This ship seems to be more like a labyrinth with all the corners and passages. The Caritas ship is levelled" My mother casts a wandering glance around the room.

"How did you gain access in the first place? I'm surprised the Rex would have willingly allowed another human onboard" I ask.

"Carlisle sent for me." She shrugs. I find my eyes squinting in confusion.



"Please don't take this the wrong way but why on earth did he send for you?"

"From his message, he thinks that I can help you and your transition from normal life. I accepted his offer straight away; I couldn't wait to come and see you sweetheart" She squeezes my hand and I grin at her. Tear form within my eyes.

"I missed you mum" I whimper softly. 

"I missed you too. Lara sweetheart, how are things here?" My mother asks lowly. Her eyes flicker to Jared and then back to me. I nod in understanding.

"We're alright, we're still getting to know one another properly" I sweep my hair into a ragged ponytail tiredly before leaning against the forearm that balances on the ridge of the couch. 

"But?" My mother's eyes search mine. I immediately force a smile onto my face though I know it will not fool her. You cannnot outwit a mother's intuition.

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