chapter 2

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At the moment im walking around my hotel room indicisive on what to do for the rest of the night, its been a long day and im more than homesick here.Im keep trying to tell myself i made at least one friend so far, but I'm just lying to myself, Luke probably saw me looking like a freak all alone and felt bad. Maybe when he asked to show me around he was just trying to be nice and make me feel better about my move.I doubt he'll even think about calling me..

After about the fifth ring i didn't realize someone was calling, I was probably deep in my thoughts, I checked the caller ID,and it was none-other than himself, Luke. I answered the phone realieved that he actually called. "Hello" i heard his deep and very attractive voice call out, and almost wet myself, its intimidating to say the least, but not in a bad way. "Hi" i said

and i could hear how nervous i sounded.

"Well i was wondering if you wanted to be picked up and we could eat at the diner, and maybe i could show you around the city, if you'd like?"

I picked up on the accent he had when i met him at the cafe, but hearing it on the phone drove me a little crazy.

"sure that would be great, what time?"

"I was thinking i could pick you up in about half an hour?"

"yeah sounds good, see you then"

I had 30 min to get ready, I was very nervous to see him. I deciding on wearing something comfortable because im sure we were gonna be walking around some.

I decided on wearing black leggings,with a loose grey teeshirt, with my black toms. I had enough time to redo my makeup before he got here,so i put on light foundation and a few coats of mascara.

30 min later..

I heard a knock at the door right when i was finished getting ready, I threw on my navy blue cardigan, and greeted Luke at the door.

"Hey" I said with a smile, i was happy to see a friendly face.

"Hey Katherine,you ready?" Luke smiled

this might be really weird but i liked when he said my name. I think i even blushed a little

On our way to the diner, we were in a complete scilence, i didnt mind though, i could take in the veiw i had; i was taking a few glances up at Luke. when suddenly he caught me. I could tell by the smirk he had on his face that he had noticed.

"You look really nice" Luke said with a smirk that broke the awkward scilence we were in.

"T-thanks" i said slightly embarressed that he had caught me staring.

a few seconds had passed and i didnt want to be even more awkward...

so i tryed flirting.

"You dont look so bad yourself" I said mimicking his smirk while slightly brushing his arm with my hand.

i think i was doing good at flirting with him.

He chuckled a little before keeping up the conversation.

"So what brings you here" Luke said sounding like he was genuinely intrested.

"Im really into photography and i was offered an internship for it down here"

"Ive always been intrested in photography" Luke said with a huge smile on his face.

I was impressed to say the least,ive never met many guys into the things i liked.

"Really?" I said sounding excited, maybe a little too excited because he laughed a little.

"Yeah really im always taking pictures" he smiled

"Maybe we could hang out at mine sometime and you could show me a thing or two" He said with a grin, and the way he said it i wasnt so sure if he ment me showing him a thing or two about taking pictures or something else

"Yeah definantly" I said with a cheesy smile still trying to be flirty.

Our conversation had ended when we reached the cafe.

"Could you go find us some seats? i need to go to the bathroom" Luke asked, i nodded.

I sat down at a table for two in the corner of the store towards the end were there wernt so many other people seated in that spot.

I got a little bored and decided to pull out my phone.

it was a text from Andrea.

From Andrea:

I miss you :( did you land safe?

To Andrea:

Yes i did:) and i miss you too, what have you been up to?

From Andrea:

Nothing really, im bored without you :/. what have you been doing scince you got there?

To Andrea:

Well im hanging out with someone right now.

From Andrea:

Who?! You havent found a replacement for me already have you?

To Andrea:

No, never. Im hanging out with a boy

From Andrea:

A date already? ;)

I quickly put my phone away when luke came to the table were he sat across from me.

"Sorry it took so long" He smiled

"Its okay" I gave him a smile back

Our waitress had came over to our table, and she looked,nervous?Maybe it was her first day working.

"Oh my god are you?!!" the waitress asked Luke while freaking out

"Luke Brooks..?" Luke said smiling and finishing her sentence

"Oh my god it is you! Can i get a picture really quick?" She asked before pulling her phone out.

Luke then got up from the table,and put his arm around the girls waist and smiled,while the waitress handed me her phone to get a picture of them. After the picture was taken, i handed the waitress back her phone and she walked off with a smile.

and then i had remembered why Luke seemed so familiar, Andrea had always talked about the youtube group he was in, the janoskians. I knew he was from somewhere, now i know, I also know Andrea would freak out over this.

"Sorry about that" Luke said almost looking upset that our hangout was interrupted.

"Its okay i understand" I said in a smiley voice, reassuring him it didn't bother me.

"So i assume you know about my youtube then" Luke laughed a little.

"Haha yeah, how did it start anyways" I said, and i was really interested to know what Andrea sees in these boys.

"Well..." Luke said beginning the story.

After he told me the story about him,his brothers and their two friends had started it, we finished our food and headed out of the diner, so he could show me the city.

this should be fun.

i hope.

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