Chapter 2

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Ever since the two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve arrived, the Narnians have been busy. Day and night they prepare for battle, making swords and armor and practicing with them. Aslan has remained in his tent, only coming out for supper. I've asked him when they would arrive here, but he just smiles and walks off. Today is different though. There's a feeling in the air, one that has not gone unnoticed by any of us.

Oreius and I are currently on the battlefield, him teaching me new sword tricks. A shout from the others causes us to stop. We head down towards the entrance of the camp, standing in front of Aslan's tent. Down below, walking towards us, are two beavers, two girls, and one boy. My lips twitch into a smile, these are the children from the prophecy. But where's the other boy?

"We have come to see Aslan." The boy says. I hear a ruffle behind me and Aslan emerges from his tent.

"Welcome Peter, son of Adam. Welcome Susan and Lucy, daughters of Eve. And welcome to you beavers, you have my thanks. But where's the fourth?" Aslan asks, looking over the children.

"That's why we're here, sir. We need you help." The oldest girl, Susan, replies.

"Our brother's been captured by the White Witch." Peter says.

"Captured?" I ask, making them look at me. "How could this happen?"

"He betrayed them, your highness." Mr. Beaver answers. This starts a murmur within the Narnians. They shout, angry about what the boy has done.

"It's my fault really, I was too hard on him." Peter looks down, seeming ashamed with himself.

"We all were." Susan says, trying to comfort her brother.  Aslan takes Peter up the hill, most likely talking to him about the prophecy. I walk down to Susan and Lucy, figuring I should introduce myself.

"You must be Susan and Lucy. It's great to meet you two." I greet, curtsying to them. I hear a giggle.

"Sorry," Lucy says, "I'm still getting used to all of this."

"And you will, with time. Now, let's go find you two something to wear." I lead them to my tent, pulling out dresses from my chest. They take turns changing behind the curtain, coming back out in elegant dresses.

"Thank you." Susan says, giving me a smile. "You're Amara, aren't you? The beavers told us about the prophecy, well, both of them. Apparently you're supposed to fall in love with our other brother, Edmund."

"Yes, I suppose I am. It's strange, really, someone knowing who I'll fall in love with. Although, I guess it's not too bad."

"Don't worry, Edmund's great when you get to know him."

"Yeah, if you don't mind his smell." Lucy says, causing us all to laugh.

"Come on, I'll show you two the river."


The three of us have been playing in the river for almost an hour, splashing each other and just having fun. Susan gets out to grab her towel hanging up on a tree branch. Taking it down, she's met with a wolf, one of Jadis's wolves. We quickly climb up the nearest tree, trying to get away from him. Susan grabs her horn and blows into it, a loud sound echoes out.

Peter, Aslan, and some Narnian warriors rush towards us. Aslan prevents them from doing anything, saying that it is Peter's job to defeat the wolf. Him and the wolf battle, Peter eventually winning. He runs off, some of the Narnians follow him. Susan, Lucy, and I climb down, thanking Peter.

"Come, we have work to do."

Okay, I hope you guys liked this chapter. Edmund will be in the next one so I'm planning on having him and Amara meet and talk about their prophecy.  Thanks for reading.

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