Chapter 8 You Want Us To Protect You?

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Three long agonizing hours of the boy's acting up, torturing Lisa, getting yelled at by Mr. Storm, and breathing in cigarette smoke was finally over! Lisa didn't have her glasses anymore and parts of her skirt were ripped. And no, they didn't molest her or anything. Frank just got a little grabby with her skirt.

When Mr. Storm dismissed us she left in Tears. God I felt so bad for her. Sure she's a bitch, but these guys were flat out torturing her! What's weird is that they didn't bother me. They completely left me alone! Even Gerard didn't really say much to me. They only thing he really did was blow smoke at me.

After Mr. Storm dismissed us and gave us back our stuff, I rushed passed everyone and darted to my locker to get my backpack. As I was closing my locker the four guys were making their way towards their own lockers where I stood. I shut my locker and tried to run passed them but Gerard grabbed me.

"Whoa there sugar! What's the rush?" He asked. "I-I have to go home!" I replied not looking at him while the others snickered. "Did I say you could go home?" He asked. I took a deep breath and sighed. "I-it's the e-end of the day." I said. "And?" Gerard asked again. "Yeah, and?" Frank spoke up.

"And I want to go home." I mumbled. "So? I still didn't say you could go!" Gerard chirped. I gulped and let out another sigh. "Yeah well you're not the boss of me." I spoke up. God that took a lot of courage. "Ooooh, feisty!" Gerard smiled and his friends ooohed with him. I yanked my arm from him and sprinted away from them.

I sighed in relief when I saw my mom's car parked outside. "Hi honey, how was detention?" She asked. I tilted my head and shrugged. "Really long." I replied. "I'm sorry. That was a silly reason for giving you detention." Mom ranted. I smiled and shook my head. The principal had called my mom and told me what I did.

But she's understanding. "Why do you smell like cigarettes?" She asked, smelling the smoke Gerard kept blowing at me. "Oh, some guy in detention was smoking." I replied. "A kid was smoking in the building?" She asked with a gasp. I nodded. "There's a lot of bad kids in my school mom." I told.

"Oh jeez. You make sure you stay away from the bad kids. Wouldn't want you getting hurt or turning into one." She said. I laughed lightly. "Trust me, I'm not about to make friends with the wrong sorts of people!" I laughed, shaking my head. My mom smiled at me and we finally arrived home. Thank God that Ryan wasn't here.

After the shitty day I just had, the last thing I need is to put up with him. I ran up to my room and changed out of my school uniform. I kicked off my shoes, put on a red hoodie, and light grey stretchy leggings. I sat down in front of my laptop and went on Facebook. I was messaging some of my friends from Michigan and telling them about what's been going on lately.

After spending an hour online my bedroom door bursts open and Ryan storms in, slamming my laptop shut. I gasped and jump. "Wh-what the heck Ryan?" I asked. "You got a detention on your first day?!" He barked. "Ryan it wasn't her fault!" My mom shouted as she made her way inside my bedroom.

"Well it clearly is her fault if she's getting into trouble! She needs to be punished!" Ryan yelled at her. Don't yell at my mother! I wish I had the courage to say that. "Sh-she already had her punishment!" Mom protested. Ryan fake chuckled and shook his head. "She needs to be punished for getting detention! Starting with this!" He yelled.

Ryan then snatched my laptop. "HEY!" I yelped standing up. "Ryan please. Give that back." Said mom. "I don't think so. Until she stops her behavior she won't be getting this back! Little punks like you who don't obey the rules need to be sent to boot camp." He said, glaring down at me.

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