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-Madonna Wayne Gacy-

After our 'dinner' we decided to sleep for the night, I slept next to Ricky, since It was cold I asked, If I could put my arms around her. She smiled a cute smile like she does, and snuggled into me. It wasn't very comfortable sleeping on the floor, but It was nice to be close to her. She laughed, when I wouldn't stop talking about mathematical equations in her ear. Brian complained 'cause the floor hurt his back, and Scott slept with his arms arms, and legs over him. Everyone else seemed to be fine with It. When we woke up the next morning, we got stirred around, put our shoes back on, and headed towards our neighborhood. Which really wasn't too far away, but It was no wonder we got lost last night. We all went our separate ways when we got back,.  I'm sure everyone's parent's would be pissed the fuck off. I didn't really care, I was moving out soon anyways. I walked through my front yard, reluctantly opening the front door.  "There you are, Stephen Gregory Bier Jr. where have you been all damn night!" "Hi, Mom." I rolled my eyes, and walked Into the living room, where she stood. "You had me worried sick, are you on drugs, where were you?" "Mother, I'm not on drugs. Me, Brian, and everyone we spent the night In the woods. We got lost." "You're kidding me, you slept in the woods!" She threw a dish rag, down on the table. "You're twenty two years old, you're in college, you could get a job at NASA. Why are you still running around with those kids?" She questioned. "They're my friends, they aren't kids, they're my age. Brian's in college too." I answered her, she sighed. "I know, you're just my son. I worry about you." She half smiled, and walked over to me, wanting a hug. "Mom, we don't have to do this." She put her arms around me, squeezing me tight, I oddly put my arms around her. "You can go to your room now, I know you'd like to shower. Sorry for being weird." She let go, picked up her dish rag and trotted into the kitchen.  I walked Into my bedroom, to go take a shower.

-Daisy Berkowitz-

 "Are we playing soon Brian?" I questioned reading over the drum machine booklet, I easily learned how to use It. "Yeah, we're playing In a few days. It's going to be our last show with Brian, and Perry. I'm kicking them out." He leaned back against my bed. "But you don't have anyone else to play, bass or keyboards." I reminded him. "No, we do. I'm going over to talk to Brad, we can lure him away from Insanity Assassins, even though he plays guitar, it won't be hard. And Stephen he can play keyboards, he was in my original idea anyways. I knew those two were wrong for this band." I nodded, "Sounds like a plan, I got all the flyers printed out for the show at sinbads on the first." I told Brian, "That's just in a few days. I'll have to get the ball rolling." "We'll get it worked out, does Stephen even play keyboard?" I questioned Brian. "Well, I don't think so. But I told him to get one, so we'll see from there." I shrugged and started programming the drum machine.

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