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Two weeks had passed since what happened with Bradley. Scott got his mother to buy him a ticket to go see Guns N' Roses, since he was sure Ricky and Stefanie weren't going to let him use the fourth ticket. He didn't even really listen to them, but he wanted to prove a point by buying his own ticket that he was 'indepent' or whatever. Anyways the concert was tomorrow night and Ricky had called me this morning (she said it was after much debate) that they were letting me use the forth ticket. Which I was pretty damn pumped about. I had already picked out what I planned on wearing- Shorts, tights, yeah..
 And If I knew them (Ricky, Stef and Brad) They will be up all damn night talking about how hot all the guys in GN'R are and doing all the necessary things to get ready for the show tomorrow. They would probably end up going with backstage to hangout, or whatever the hell you even do backstage, with tired, bloodshot eyes from being awake all night. And there I would be, with beautiful, pearly white, well-rested eyes, than the girls will be all jealous. That all sounded way stupid, never-mind. I was actually going to probably end up staying the night over at the Girls/Brad's house. "Brian, your friends are here." Barb called from the kitchen. I peeked out from behind my curtain, seeing Stephen, Fred, Scott, Brad, Stefanie and Ricky all skating or on their bikes, having fun. Throwing on my tennis shoes, grabbing my trusty lunchbox, I ran quickly down the stairs. "Be careful, Sweetie!" I passed my mom on the way out. "Sure thing, Mom." She opened the door and shut it behind me, once I had walked through. "Hey, guys and Gals. What's up?" Scott skated over on his new in lines. "Nothing much, we just figured you'd want to join us." "Well, cool. I do, let me get my roller skates." I walked into my families garage, which was open half the time. Ricky skated up the driveway on her roller skates and into the garage beside me. "Hi, Bri."  "Hi, Ricky. What's up?" I shrugged, tossing some of my dad's crap out of the way of my Skates. "Nothing, I was working on picking out my outfit for the show tomorrow, when Stephen came and got me and the gang to come outside." My ass end dropped down on the pavement, to put my skates on. I threw my tennis shoes in the corner. "Do you want to come stay the night, so we can hangout before the show? I've got like a huge bag of pot and I'm totally going to have to smoke it all tomorrow. I just know I'm going to be shaking like a whore in church." I started lacing my skates up. "Sweating like a whore in chruch, Ricky what the hell does that mean?" I started laughing at her 'Country slang'. "Hey, Man- it mean's I'll be nervous, fuckin' shaking and sweating. Like the five hottest guys to have ever walked planet earth, will be right in front of me." She motioned her hand a few feet from her face. "Face to face, Brian. I could have a cow!" "Wow, Ricky. I feel betrayed, you don't think I'm one of the hottest guys to walk the planet as you say?" I stood up skating around her. She laughed. "Sure, Bri. You know what I'm saying though. God, I don't even know what I'll do. Where will I look, which one of them do I really like- look at." We rolled on out of the garage. "I'm sure we'll figure it out. Just wait til' you go backstage and they are total ass-holes to you. Most likely they will either ask or just go for Gang-Banging you and your sister, than push you on out the V.I.P. section." Ricky rolled her eyes, as we hit the blacktop. "Whatever, Brian. I know they aren't 'good' guys. They are musicians for Pete's sake, it's pretty obvious what type'a Men they are." Stefanie rode her little black and red spray painted bike over to us. "What are you Cats talking about?" "The show tomorrow, I was just telling your sister how the band is going to gang bang you two." Stefanie nodded her head. "Rad, Man. Can't wait!" She generally looked excited. Stephen rolled over to us driving his scooter. "Hey, Bitches." I made a total dumb face, when Stephen calling as 'bitches' finally hit my brain. Ricky and Stefanie started laughing their asses off. "What the hell, Stephen?" Stef questioned, holding her hand up. "You guys are bitches, and I'm greeting you three by saying 'Hey'. What the hell, Stefanie?" She put her head down on her handle bars, before driving away and circling Scott and Brad like a Bike Vulture. "Nothing, Steve." Ricky started skating around the cul-de-sac as well. I followed after her, burning time til' we could eat dinner or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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