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-Marilyn Manson-

The floor was crowded with Girls and Guys, some my age, some older. I was still really happy that Ricky and Stefanie had accepted to come with me to the Skating Rink. I knew Ricky liked Roller Skating, since her and Bradley went all the time. ''Do you wanna skate now?'' Ricky smiled skating over to me, Stefanie skating behind her. ''Sure.'' It was weird being alone with the two girls, since every time we usually hung out everyone else was around too. Even though I had known them the longest, I had just gotten used to being in a group setting. So, Roller skating was I guess my way of saying we needed to bond. "There seems to be a lot of people here, doesn't there?" Stefanie said, trying to make conversation. I shook my head 'no'.  "I guess, everyone likes skating now." I said, it was hard to keep talking, since Ricky, Stefanie and myself never spoke a whole lot. We skated around for a while, observing everyone and laughing at some of them. "Do you guys wanna go get a soda?" "Sure." Ricky agreed with me, so we  skated over to the bar area. Sitting down at  booth, I ordered Coke for myself and Stefanie, then Pepsi for Ricky. "So, have you guys done anything  cool lately?" Ricky just looked at me. "Brian, we don't go anywhere without you." "I know, I just don't know what to ask." "Have you done anything new with the band?" Ricky questioned, tightening her black and green pigtails.  "Not really, I don't know if Scott told you or not, but he got a drum machine a few days ago." "Yeah, he showed us. That's pretty cool, you can start playing shows soon, right?" Ricky asked, I sipped my coke an shook my head. "Stephen still doesn't have a keyboard, so we have to wait. Which sucks, cause' you know how many songs I've been working on." "He still doesn't have money for one?" Stefanie questioned. "Well, I guess not. Either that or he just doesn't want to be in the band." I told her. "I sure he wants to be in, he talks all the time about being a Spooky Kid." Ricky stated. "He's got another week, or so. Because we need to start practicing." She nodded her head. "Do you want me to tell him that?" I shrugged. "If you think it will make him want to buy one sooner, then yes." I laughed. "Let's go skate for a little while longer before we have to go home." Stefanie suggested, we all got up and went back out to the floor. 

-Madonna Wayne Gacy-

"If you set it on fire, you'll catch everything! Scott cried, I flicked the lighter again. I was going to make a bonfire, whether Scott liked it or not. "Come on, light it up. I've got stuff for smores at my house." Fred encouraged, I flicked the lighter once more, catching the little pieces of paper on fire.The wood started catching and began to burn. "Go get the stuff for smores, will you?" I asked looking up at Fred, he nodded and pushed his hair back. "I'll go get it." He dashed across the dimly lit lawns and to his own house. The wood was popping and making noises, the fire was growing bigger. "Why did you wanna do this again?" Scott question me. "I was bored, and wanted to catch som-something on fire. And since my mom wouldn't like it if I caught a person on fire, I thought this would have to do." "You're so weird." Scott laughed, probably at me, I didn't really give a fuck though. "What's going on over here?" Scott and I both turned our heads to see Jeordie White walking towards us. He was one of our friends, even though he's really weird. He was closet to Brian, over anyone else. And I'm pretty sure he thought we were even weirder. "Stephen wanted to make a bonfire." Scott stated, pointing towards the inferno. He nodded his head. "Mind if I join you?" I shook my head 'no'. "I'm back!" Fred came running back through the grass, with an arm full of stuff. "My grandma wanted to know why the hell I needed this stuff. "Hey, Fred!" Jeordie greeted. "Hi, Jeordie." "Let's find some sticks." I stated, looking around. "Why do you need sticks?" Jeordie asked. "For the smores." I stated, obviously. "But what about germs?" Scott questioned. "It'll be fine." I picked four up of the ground, and passed them out. I sat down, beside Fred, and shoved to Marshmellows on my stick. Scott handed everyone else a marshmellow. A car pulled up to the curb, parking there. Ricky, Brian and Stefanie got out and walked over to us. "What's up guys?" Stefanie  asked. "We're making smores." I answered holding up my stick. "Hey, Jeordie!" Brian enthused, sitting down beside him. Ricky smiled weakly, and sat down next to me. I grinned to myself, grabbing ghram crackers and chocolate. I put the cookie together, and offered It to Ricky. She smiled at me and took it. "Thank you, Stephen." She leaned her head on my shoulder, as I made more smores. "You're welcome, Ricky." "Let's tell scary stories." Brian suggested. "Oh, let's." Jeordie jumped enthusiastically. "I'll go first." Brian finished, he began his story. I stuffed my smore into my mouth, listening intently.

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