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-Marilyn Manson-

"Yeah, Chad, I'll send it too you. It's really good, even though it is my writing. I forgot to tell you. You know that Industrial band 'Nine Inch Nails'? Well I'm interviewing the singer, Trent Reznor. I know, it's super cool. Uh, huh. Well I'll call you later, bye." I hung up the phone, on my cousin; Chad. I was going with Ricky, Stefanie, and Brad to the radio station to pick up their concert tickets today. Since we didn't know who they were going to take, I didn't know if I had to buy a ticket, or not. I imagined that the three of them would go, but that leaves one extra ticket. I heard a car horn honk from out front. "I'm comin'." I yanked my lunchbox free from the pile of clothes it was under, and walked out of my bedroom. "Where are you going, Honey?" Barbara questioned me. "I'm going with Rick, and Stef to pick up some concert tickets." "Well, be careful. Do you know what time you'll be back?" I shrugged. "Not really, we might stop for milkshakes, or something." "Okay, have fun." I half smiled, before walking outside, Ricky was in the drivers seat of her beat up convertible. "Hi, Brian!" She greeted, waving at me, Brad was seated in the passenger seat, with his cat eye sunglasses on. "We get backseat, huh?" Stefanie laughed, at my comment. "I'm always in the back." Brad chuckled, "You know what you're doing back there." She rolled her eyes, at her over sexual 'brother'. "Where have your guys parents been?" I questioned, Ricky and Stefanie and I guess Brad too. He was basically their adopted Brother. "I don't know, they're back on drugs. So they took the money and ran. Haven't seen 'em in a week or two." Ricky answered, her country undertone coming through her voice. "How are you guys getting by?" "Me and Stefanie both work. I've just been working two jobs, with overtime. Since I don't have school anymore." Ricky replied. "That's s shitty of them." I saw Ricky just wiggle her shoulders. "I'm glad they're gone. We can get on with our lives now hopefully." She added, she sounded doubtful that she could actually do that though. Everybody in our little group, knows how messed up Ricky and Stefanie's lives were. If it wasn't for my parents moving them to Ohio when they were young, they might have been living on the streets. "You wanna put in a tape?" Brad asked, changing the subject. "Put in GN'R since we're going to get our tickets." Stefanie suggested. "You're obsessed with them." Stefanie pushed my shoulder, "No, I'm not." "What about Misfits, or Sex Pistols, somethin' like that?" Ricky asked. "Yeah, the Sex Pistols." Brad agreed, and put it in the tape player. I leaned back in my seat, listening to the music. We were half way through the cassette, by the time we arrived at the radio station in Miami. "Okay, here we are." Rick turned the car off, and hoped out. "I so freaking excited!" Stefanie cheered. "I am too, in two weeks we are going to be seeing Guns N' Roses live. Not to mention we have backstage passes." Ricky said, excitedly. Brad pulled open the door, to the radio station, and held it up for the three of us. Stefanie walked up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Stefanie Monroe. I won Guns N' Roses tickets yesterday." The woman behind the desk nodded, "Oh, Okay. Wait here, I'll go get the DJ to give you your tickets." She got up from behind her desk, and scurried to the back. A few minutes later, she returned with the short, browned haired DJ. "Hi, there." "Hi, I'm Stefanie." She held out her hand. "Tom Tadden. I see you already got your group together." He laughed in his deep radio voice. "Ha ha, yeah." "Well, here are your tickets and passes. And here is your Rockin' radio award, for having Rock N' Roll knowledge." He handed her the envelope and a piece of paper. It looked like something you'd get in kindergarten for doing something good. "Thank you, can't wait till the show." "Well, have yourselves a good time. I've gotta get back on air. Nice to meet you all." Tom shook all of our hands, Stefanie thanked the front desk lady and we headed back home.

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