first glance to conversation

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About 4 in a half years ago, he walked into my life. he was new to school.

my whole world. got flipped upside down. 

' im stupid. I can get with him hes perfect. he don't want you.' I thought that ALL day. once I got home I was texting all my friends trying to find out his name.


Awh a perfect name for a perfect person. I wonder if he'd ever look my way. who am I kidding? we wouldn't even think about it.

                                                                       *next day*

"hmmmm what to wear?" I asked my self. do I make myself noticeable or hide in the shadows?

"oooooo" I said aloud I pick up my skinny jeans and my favorite flannel. I finish getting ready and head out the door to my Jeep.

"Bye mom love you."

I start playing my CD and roll down my windows. I pull up to my friends house.  we drive off to school.

its about 7:30 in the morning. we do our different ways because of our lockers. as I walk up the stairs everyone calls my name.

"Abby this, Abby that."

I go to my locker and talk to my friend David. hes liked me for a while. but hes always stuck around for me. day or night we was there when I needed him. even if it was to listen to me rant on about my feelings for Tyler.

Tyler is this guy that I added on facebook back when I was in 8th grade going into my 9th gade year. he is a few years older then me. and we had talked ALL the time. everyday all day. soon enough I started to like him. and I told him. he said he had liked me to but didn't want to hurt me. because of the distance. I told him I understood. Then the day came. he graduated and carried on his plans to be in the Navy. so now I hardly ever get to talk to him. witch upsets me. but life is life.

"Hey David."

"morning Ab, sleep good?"

"yea it was alright. I guess."

"you guess? Tyler not answer?"

"howd you know?" I laughed sarcastically

"im smart."

"yea we-"

"ABBY!!!!!!!" my friend comes running down the hall

"ABBY, you have to see this."

she takes me by my arm and starts running down the hall.  we run down the steps and stop.

"look" she points down the hall to Michaels locker.

"Holy. mother of god." my mouth grew wide as I see Michael wearing THE same thing as me. but obviously the guy version.

just then the Bell rang. my first hour is art. the place I can be myself and draw freely. I put in my headphones and got to work.

no one sits at my table but that's how I like it. the people in my class are irrelevant. after about 5 minutes of being in there some thing tapped me. out of spite I snap.

"can I help you because last time I checked the only help you need is passing high school."

"oh well I was just going to ask if I could sit with you." a deep and raspy voice had began to speak "that's a nice drawing by the way."

I look up to see a bight green eyed Michael standing over me. I take my feet off the chair next to me.

"have at it."

"thanks, im Michael" he flashes a smile.

"Abby." I plug back in my head phones.

'OMG stay cool. act like you don't want him. don't look at him. stupid.'

Michael began to speak again. so I took out my head phones.

"nice outfit." he laughed

"yea, you too."

I rolled up my sleeves I had a bracelet on I never take it off. it was for a convention I go to every year. 'Momentum '16' is what it read.

"hey!" he said lifting up his sleeve. we had the same one. I smiled and laughed  "its my sisters though" he chuckled

"oh well still funny I think." I said putting back in my head phones and looking at my phone. I skip songs until I find one that I want to listen to.  after I sat my phone on the table Michael tapped me.

"can I listen to music with you?"

"yea sure." I unplug my headphones and let my music play out loud. Sam Smiths Lay me Down was playing. I started humming as I was sketching the outline for my next project.

We engaged in conversation. just small talk. why he moved. where'd he move from. then we exchanged numbers.  that night we were texting.

"so how was your first few days?"

"was okay now that I met someone as cute as you :)"

I read the text and smiled as big as the joker.  in mid thought of what I just read I got another text.

"well, its late im going to head to bed. see you tomorrow beautiful. text me when you wake up." I was smiling so big I didn't even bother texting back. 

"this is going to be amazing" I said before turning over and slowly nodding off to bed.

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