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Joe drove, considering he could use the sirens they thought it would be faster. It was all a big rush, so they forget to tell everyone. Iris stayed behind to watch over Wally and Jessie and everyone else was around star labs capturing Tony.

By the time Caitlin and Joe got Myer to the hospital it was about go time. The last thing Joe and Caitlin saw was Myer being wheeled off in a wheelchair in agonizing pain. The two waited for hours, the lights would flicker on and off occasionally. They got up a couple of times to get coffee and ask the nurses if they knew anything but so far no luck. At about 6 O'clock ( 2 hours after they got there) Barry actually decided to ring Joe.

" Hey Joe, Where's Caitlin and Myer and where are you for a matter of fact, Jessie and Wally have both woken up. I've been all over central City looking for you guys."

"you obliviously didn't check everywhere because we are at the hospital and I didn't see the flash come through here." said Joe feeling smarter than Barry for once in a while.

" What why are you there is everyone ok?"

"yeah everything is fine I will te-" Joe was interrupted by one of the nurses talking to him and Caitlin.

" Are Miss Danvers family."

" Yes She lives with me and Doctor Snow is her private doctor." Then Joe ended the call. The nurse nodded at Joe's response.

" When can we see her."asked Caitlin

"you can go see her now. Is the father around." The both bowed their head." oh ok, I will show you too her room." As they walked down the corridor they could all here Joe's phone buzzing rapidly until finally it stopped. And literally about 30 seconds Barry was jogging up to the group. When he reached the group, it stopped outside the door but it didn't open the door .

"Um..,Sir you will have to leave, Family or Doctor's only." Caitlin and Joe turned to reveal Barry.

" But I am fam-" Barry was stopped by the door opening to reveal Myer in hospital gown not hooked up to any machinery.

" Don't worry Steph, that's my tarty brother." she said smiling at him. They all hadn't seen her smile that much since, well ever. The nurse nodded then Myer nodded some gibberish to the nurse which made them both laugh and the nurse leave back down the corridor. Myer walked back into the room. And the small group followed. It led into a small Private room with the lights of Central City and Star city in the distance. It had a massive bed and a small cot beside the bed. Caitlin ran straight over to the Cot and Barry and Joe planted themselves on the lounge.

" so what was it?" asked Joe, Barry looked confused. " the baby you meat head." said Joe in response to his face. Barry's face lit up. He immediately got up and ran over. He used his speed however it woke up the tiny baby and made it cry. Myers death stare could have been one of Oliver queens. As she she picked up the baby the gender was obvious. The child was wrapped in bright pink linen with Bright White hair. Barry began to walk back round the bed to the lounge again.

" Can I hold her?" asked Caitlin talking in a baby voice while running her finger down the baby's cheek.

" If it means all the same to you, I would like Barry to be the first person to hold her." Barry looked back around to see her walking over with the child in her arms. She paused, Barry nodded. Myer carefully placed the baby in his arms with Joe, getting up off the lounge and fixing his arms to make the baby more comfortable and to support her head.

" Hi little girl." Barry said shaking her hand with one finger. Caitlin, Joe and Barry all marveled in the bundle of cuteness. After a while Caitlin took the baby and started to rock her.

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