New Job......

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Well after the meeting with the flash, Myer was a bit too cocky for her own good and she still decided to go get the job even though she is still bleeding and is probably really badly damaged internally.


" So where did you go to school?" Asked one of the detectives.

" Metrop............" before she could finish the sentence she realized that if she said that out loud everyone would know that she was from somewhere else and they would probably tell someone and most likely the Flash would come down on her like a tone of bricks and probably lock her up in a prison. Not thinking if there were a metropolis on this earth as well.

" I was home schooled." and before they could ask her anything else she didn't have an answer too , she was called to one of the detectives who had been assigned to put her somewhere.

" Hi, My name is Myer. Do you know where I am working-"

" So your working with my adopted son, so no fooling around."

" no fooling around intended sir, complicated at the moment."

" any medical conditions that could prevent you from being in the field with guns and other explosives."

" Um..... It should be in the document." Trying to look at the peice of paper in his hands.

" oh ok well that should be fine your working on forensic team anyway. ok lets go I will introduce and then just wait for a crime." He said pulling the sheet closer and indicating her to follow him upstairs.

" Sorry sir, I didn't catch your name." he ignored her and she ran after him after as he led her up to the lab. Inside of the lab sat two desks. one was blank and the other was filled with paper and samples.

" Barry, Where are you."

" I'm here sorry, coming down now."

"SLOWLY!!!!!!!" yelled Joe from up the hall way.  "you have a new co-worker." oddly she continued to stand and wait for this person who is apparently one of the best people in the world according to the detective in front of her.

"okay" yelled the male voice from up the hall way. In walked a man, oddly familiar and he almost had the same look on his face.

" This is Myer, your new partner, play nice and-" he was rudely interrupted by a beeping which signaled a stop to their conversation.

" well you two should get to work, Myer maybe you should stay here and Barry you should go, I will meet you at the Car." and he quickly shuffled out of the room. Barry was digging through his locker on the wall next to the door.

Just before he shuffled out the door as well Myer mumbled under her breath " Have fun at Star Labs."

Not realizing how loud she actually said it he turned and stared at her.

"how did you know."

" I saw you going in there yesterday. I jog near there. Who is the guy with the shaggy hair anyway?" While having an awkward look on her face while waiting for an answer. Seeing that she wasn't going to get one she starts laughing before she walked out the door and left the conversation without waiting for his answer. Leaving him stunned.

Down the hallway she yelled out " Off to gain a Big Belly Burger." and then the laughing continued.


30 Minutes later...


Looking at her phone after finishing her Big Belly Burger meal, she saw that there was a crime scene. Excited she sped out the door of the restaurant and down to the crime scene stopping a block before so the people at the crime scene don't see anything. lightly jogging over to the crime scene she noticed detective West waiting for someone. And also Barry wasn't there yet.

" Sir, Do you have any idea where the boss is."

" you mean the chief?" looking at Myer absolutely clueless.

" No, sorry, I mean Barry. He sent me a text telling me to get my butt down here, but he hasn't even gotten his down here."she replied slowly getting more pissed. " By the way whats his last name, I went to college with a Barry I was wondering if it was him?"

" Allen." Joe replied cautiously. As soon as Myer heard the name she felt her body go stiff, she had another vision.

This time it was as if she were laying on her side with someone running their hand down her back. She was watching a man being pushed through a set of doors yelling " NORRAAAAA..."

" Myer.... MYER.." yelled detective West.

" Yes, sorry must have dazed off." luckily before the detective could ask any more questions, she felt Barry tap her back and took her over to the crime scene.

" So what do we have so far." clearly she was trying to avoid the questions she saw Barry was trying to ask. But he still asked it anyway.

" what was that all about, with Joe and all."

" who?"

" Detective west.. the guy you were literally just talking to."

" Oh yeah, um.. so Joe is his name, how nice." Myer anxiously replied to Barry's questions because obviously she had a look on her face that said she was hiding something.

" Don't avoid the question, common you can tell me, promise i'm good at keeping secrets." He sort of sounds like a Boy scout when he says it like that, she mockingly thought.

" Well, I have these really strong day dreams and they almost feel real but its only when I see or touch a certain thing. I think really need to talk to someone about it."

" Um.. I think I have some friends that might be able to help but just ring before you come over because they dont like people just dropping in." He said rambling off.

" These aren't the people from star labs by any chance because isn't that place sort, well you know." finishing her sentence with awkward gestures towards Barry.

" no I dont know..."

" Dangerous and haunted by the ghost of Harrison Wells guy. I swear to god I saw him yesterday, and I read about him online." she said with her eyes practically popping out of her head. Dam she did her research this girl.

" Um... well I can explain if you come and let them check you out and see what is going on." as he starts walking away towards one of the vans that was parked in the dirt close by the crime scene.

" well come on what are you waiting for." yelled Barry from the car park.

" Wait i'm actually going to star labs with you, I thought I had to make an appointment or something like that. but if you want me to come now....?, ok"

" well, you are a friend and I want to help you." with the puppy's eyes on trying to make Myer hurry up.

" Wow, Allen calm down, A. we met today and B. I will take help give to me and I appreciate the fact that you want to help a person you have known for all of a day. Now just hurry up before we get all cheesy." And with that the two continued to the car that contained detective West.

" Whats going on Barry? I thought we were going to star Labs?"

" and we still are but we are taking Myer with us I think Cisco might be able to help her with something that's been happening to her." Looking at Myer then back at Barry with a unsure look on his face he unlocked the doors and allowed the two to get into the back.

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