Extra 3: 2010

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March 2010- Midvale College


" So Myer where did you go yesterday?" asked Stephanie.

" Um.... I was sick and So I went home to Mum and Dad." she stumbled to the group of girls in front of her eager to hear about it. In actual fact she wasn't sick nor did her parent's know about it. She actually was having a panic attack in Kara's dorm room because she couldn't stop shaking and vibrating. 

All the girls nodded and continued to chat. The bell rang and Myer had a free period so she went and hung out in Kara's dorm room. On the way there she saw some white light exert from her palm which made her run to Kara's dorm. Luckily it was only Kara in the Dorm. Myer ran into the dorm to find Kara studying. " Kara help Me!" she yelled which made Kara pull her headphone out of her ears. " whats going on!" Kara yelled back. Myer carefully opened her palms to reveal the white light which shot out and made Kara disappear. Myer let out a shreak as she closed her palms. No 19 year old should have to go through that. She started to shake again. Thoughts were racing around in her head. ' where did Kara go?, What if I killed her.' were the most frequent ones. All of a sudden a flash of white light broke out from her palm and created a spinning portal in the middle of the room. She was getting sucked into it. She grabbed onto the table but it only got stronger and before long she started loosing her grip. The last thing she remembered was being flung backwards, and then it all went black. 

When she woke up there was a whole bunch of people standing over the top of her, most of them looked like students. When she sat up the  the group spread out. she heard murmuring and whispers from the crowd. " Is she a Hobo?" asked one girl. " No to well dress, And I haven't seen her before." replied the girl standing next to her. 

" Where am I?" asked Myer.

" Star City Campus." spoke a boy at the front. Myer looked confused.

" Can you tell me how to get to Midvale campus." They all looked at each other. " there is no Midvale Campus?" yelled a person from the back. Everyone just stared at her as she stood up and brushed herself off. A boy walked forward about 19 as well. " I can take you to the nurses office for that." he said pointing to the cut on her forehead, he grabbed her hand and led her out of the circle people. 

" My name is Nate." Myer just stared at him. " well I thought you should know, just in case." he winked. " Myer." she shyly replied. He nodded. " Hey look I don't need to go to the nurses office, I'm fine really. Will I see you around?" he nodded again.

" Do you mind if I could get your number In case I get lost on campus." she faintly smiled.

" You don't need to make excuses." he laughed and put his number on his arm. She smiled. 

" Um... look I need to go home and tell My mum I'm ok. I might see you later this week." she smiled and walked towards the Exit. She left the campus and headed towards the city. When she reached the City there were car's everywhere. Nothing like anything she had seen in Midvale or around it for a matter of fact. First of all she needed to get food. As soon as she thought about a hamburger and bag appeared in her hand and inside a Hamburger and chips. " Oh my god!" she gasped. she devoured it and within 10 minutes she had credit cards that had hundreds of dollars and a car. She could do anything she wanted like seeing that boy from school. She rang him from a pay phone. " Ha, cant believe they still have these, probably so Clark can get changed in them." she laughed but stopped when Nate picked up the Phone.

" Hi, is this Nate?"

" um... yes who is this?" 

" It's Myer from earlier, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go somewhere tonight? Like dinner, movie, the Museum?" 

" I will take you up on the Museum."

" Awesome, Meet there at 5?"

" yeah that works." he said and they exchanged goodbyes and hung up each ends of their phones. Myer at this point would go and tell Kara and Alex but they weren't there. But this didn't really bother her. So she had time to kill. Wandering around she ran into a guy with a whole heap of Paper work. " Oh, I'm so sorry."

" It's fine I should not have been carrying this much anyway."

" Barry Hurry up if you want a lift." yelled a girl from a car behind them. He smiled at Myer and ran towards the Car. She looked at the time, 4:55pm. She ran as fast as she could and ended up breaking into speed, racing down the road as fast as a bullet out of gun. When she reached the Museum, she saw Nate waiting out the front. " So shall we go?" 

" Absolutely, Hey I want to show you something." he said dragging her through the museum. When they finally arrived in a hall with a massive banner said " The Victory of the JSA." she looked surprised. He went straight in  and went to one specific counter. " Wow you guys look so similar." Myer exclaimed. Nate just brushed it off.

 They spent hour's there. Before parting ways. Myer was having so much fun that she almost forgot she wasn't with her family. She stayed there for a week before she decided she needed to go home. But all that week she had been trying to figure out how to get home and she finally came to a conclusion and figured out that she wasn't even on the right Earth with some help from some random scientist on Ask.com.

On the last day she decided to tell Nate. She met him on the back of the campus where they had a picnic and everything. It was really special.

" Nate, I need to tell you something." he stopped eating the cherries from the bowl in the middle of the table. " I'm not from around here."

" what do you mean? Are you an Alien?" he gasped, she chuckled a bit. " No silly, I mean i'm not from this earth. do you know the theory of the Multi verse." he nodded and as she explained he understood more. She told him about the Accident and how she was thrown through the portal and came to this earth. 

Towards the end though it became harder to talk and she began to stutter and tear up. Until she couldn't talk anymore. " And you need to go home." he nodded. She nodded and burst into tears. she fell into his shoulder and began to cry. This had been the best week of her life and now she had to leave. They stood up and Myer opened the Portal again but this time she wasn't being forced in. She turned around. " Goodbye My time Detective." she softly said. Before she went they kissed, her first kiss, the best kiss she had ever had. When she let go she walked away and let go of his hand, even though she didn't want to.

 She jumped into the portal and was taken back to Kara's Dorm.

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