Loose Ends

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Episode 4: Loose Ends

Adam stood in front of his father smiling. Both stood watching the troops training in the courtyard. Adam sighed and looked around him. It's good to be home.

When are you coming to save me from this studying?

As soon as my father says I can leave. I promise. Besides we have to prepare for our journey to Morainia

I know. Just please try and hurry.

Love you, Veena.

Love you, too. Now hurry.

Adam shook his head as his father walked beside him. He glanced over at his father. "Everything seems in order to me."

Randor nodded. "Adam."

Turning to face his father, Adam sighed. "It wasn't anything you said. I was trying to help."

Randor smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I blamed myself. I'm sorry, Adam. I am proud of you."

"Thank you, Father."

Randor laughed. "Go on. I know you want to go save Veena from her studying."

Adam nodded and ran back inside the Palace. Randor stood smiling and shaking his head.

Veena sat in the Palace library. A book on manners sat on the desk in front of her. Her mother sat in a chair not far from her.

"Veena, you should be reading that?"

"That book is useless. It just teaches court manners. I need to know how to deal with other kingdoms not how to act around people who think they are better than others."

Gwendolyn stood and walked to her daughter. "Most royals are like that, but I think you're right. I don't know why I gave you that one. Besides I've watched you. You have more manners than most of the Nobility."

Veena nodded. "Can I go now?"

Gwendolyn smiled. "Adam's coming isn't he?"

Veena smiled and stood up. "I know I sound like a ten year old, but am I done for the day?"

Gwendolyn nodded. "Yes. I'll find a book that can really help you. And you'll read it."

"Thanks, Mother." Veena hugged her mother and then quickly left the Library.

Adam was leaning against the wall opposite the Library door. Veena, I'm outside waiting on you.

I'm coming. I have to ask first.

Adam sighed. Not much later Veena opened the door. He smiled and moved from the wall the two walked down the hall looking for Cringer and Eureka.

Cringer sat beside Eureka in the throne as Adam and Veena walked in. The two were smiling. Adam glanced at the tigers. "Well come on. We aren't going anywhere without the two of you."

The tigers stood up and followed their friends out of the Palace and into the city.

Marlena stood on a balcony looking at the city. Gwendolyn walked up beside her. "Something wrong, Marlena?"

Marlena turned to her friend. "I'm still adjusting to the fact my son isn't dead and he's home."

Gwendolyn nodded. "Veena was right."

Marlena smiled. "Yes she was. How soon will you be leaving?"

Sighing Gwendolyn looked at the city. "As soon as Adam and Veena return. Randor and Moraius have a massive fleet taking us. Are you sure you don't want to come for a visit?"

Marlena shook her head. "I'll come one day. I need to talk to Randor."

"He blamed himself about Adam didn't he?"

"Yes. I'm worried about him."

Gwendolyn nodded. "It would do good for the two of you to talk. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go prepare. My daughter ran off with your son. You'd think that she wasn't going to see him later."

Marlena laughed. "She didn't see him for a month. She missed him. More than I thought she did."

Gwendolyn smiled. "You're right."

Gwendolyn left Marlena on the balcony alone.

Adam and Veena stood near the cities entrance. Cringer and Eureka laid not to far away. Adam held onto Veena's hand. "I've never been to Morainia. Do you have any idea what it looks like?"

Veena sighed. "I think it's just snow and ice. I don't know. No one will tell me anything."

Adam smiled and raised Veena's hand to his lips. "We'll discover together."

Adam released her hand as Veena leaned her head on his shoulder. "Just don't leave me alone. I don't know how the people there will react to me."

Wrapping his arm around her, Adam sighed. "I won't. Besides who could hate you?"

Veena looked up at him. "My father has a cousin who would have gotten the throne if I wasn't found."

"O.k. that's one. But being the betroth of the Prince of Eternia will have its advantages."

Veena smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, really. How is that?"

Adam wrapped his other arm around her. "You're protecting by my father's guards just like me now. Even if your father's cousin has guards under his control. My father's will protect you. And of course Teela is coming with us."

Veena laughed. "Yeah, Teela will watch my back."

Adam smiled into Veena's hair. "Stop worrying. Everything will be all right."

Lord Ciaran of Morainia stood in his home. Damn, Gwendolyn. Damn, Moraius. Damn, their daughter. Now I will never be king. Not only is the heir to the throne she is betrothed to the Prince of Eternia. The king will send some type of guard to watch her, as he will for his son.

Ciaran smiled and walked toward a communication screen. I'll just have to get some help. Hopefully I can get rid of her and gain the throne. Now all I have to do is gain allies in this matter.

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