Masters and Rebellion Part I

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Episode 9: Masters and Rebellion

Part I

Prince Adam stood on the shore of the Sea of Rakash watching his betroth swim in the waters.

"Veena, you shouldn't really be doing that? Merman controls the sea."

Veena stopped and turned to face him floating in place. "Don't worry. I'm fine. Don't you know how to swim?"

Adam walked closer to the surf. "A little. But I never swam in the Sea of Rakash. You need to get out of there before someone sees you. Especially in that."

Veena swam towards shore. She walked up to the beach wearing a bikini.

As she dried herself, she glanced up the path. "I'm hurrying." Standing dried she reached for the dress she had placed on a rock. She slipped on the dress.

"I'm not complaining about it, but…"

Veena smiled. "I know. Don't worry. Come on."

Adam and Veena began to walk up the path toward the Palace.

Princess Adora stood inside The Whispering Woods. Around her, her friends sat and chatted. But she was thinking about her brother. And Veena. She had only been around the Princess of Morainia a few days, but the young woman had earned her trust and admiration.

Bow came walking up to Adora. "Hello, are you there?"

Adora smiled. "Sorry. I'm just thinking."

Bow moved to her side. "Oh, about what?"

Adora glanced at him. "My brother and his betroth."

Bow smiled. "Oh. I thought you said you like her."

Adora sighed. "I do, but I only got to spend a few days with her, Bow."

Bow took hold of her hand. "Maybe you can spend sometime with her before they get married."

Adora smiled. "Thanks, Bow."

"What are friends for?"

Adora hugged Bow. Madame Razz came flying toward them on her broom.

"Adora, The Horde is attacking Bright Moon! Queen Angela needs our help."

The other members of the Rebellion began to gather. Bow jumped on to Arrow's back. He glanced back at Adora.

"You call She-ra. We'll need her."

Adora nodded as the others left her alone with Spirit and Madame Razz. She glanced around to be sure she was alone.

"For the honor of Grayskull!"

A flash of light filled the Rebel Camp. In Adora and Spirit's place, She-ra and Swift Wind now stood. She-ra got onto Swift Wind's back and together they flew out of The Whispering Woods with Madame Razz behind them.

Veena stood in the Courtyard and watched Adam duel with Teela. The two were more evenly matched more than ever. Adam's extra training as himself was paying off. Veena glanced over at Man-at-Arms. He was watching the duel more closely than she was.

Adam dodged Teela's attack and then attacked himself. He could feel the powers given to him by Alarick wanting to be used, but he pushed them aside. Duelling with Teela wasn't a good time for them to come out.

Veena glanced over at Cringer and Eureka lying under a tree watching the duel. Both looked bored, but happy. Veena smiled a little. She heard a sound and turned to find Teela on the ground and Adam standing over her.

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