Chapter 7

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Okay so this chapter is leading up to the next chapter. It's kind of plain but I want this to be the calm before the storm. Hint, hint. As always I hope you enjoy.

Vid~lady Antebellum-Just a kiss. Because it's such a sweet song. I love the video too. So watch it. ;)

Thank you to anyone who votes, comments, becomes a fan, likes and please smile along the way. Thinking happy thoughts all the way. :)

Auralei POV

I have already had a shower and although Raphette is much taller than me, she lets me borrow a pair of jeans and a purple tank top. I used to like the colour purple, now I don't really like colour. Except green and brown, for they are the colours of the forest. They are comforting to me and I know that if I should ever want to leave, or disappear, all I have to do is blend in with the forest. Not an easy task when you're a pure white wolf. But I guess that's what mud is for.

"Auralei," Raphette clicks her fingers in front of my face, I instantly tense and glare at her.

"Yes," I try to say it polietly but I'm not fooling anyone.

I wish Lycan was here, to hold me and make me feel better just by looking at me with his bright blue eyes. His beautiful aqua eyes.

We sooooooo have the prettiest mate my wolf is happy and gleeful. She does not like to be indoors though and wishes to be free outside in the woods. With Lycan of course. I kind of wish that too. Instead of helping Kora and Raphette make cupcakes. Why don't they buy them? I remember a bakery that one of the pack members owned, CeeCee her name was. She was old but still worked hard at her bakery. She had, had one son who had died giving her custody of his children. After of course their mother had wanted nothing to do with them, not after she ran away with an Italian and they moved to Europe together.

CeeCee made the best red velvet cupcakes, them being my favourite. There had been red velvet cupcakes at my birthday. I flinch, I hate birthdays now.

"What cupcakes are you making?" I ask, I am not helping. I pretend to be interested in the whiteness of the flour.

"Red velvet cupcakes. Lycan's favourite,"

I am shocked to hear this, "it's Lycan's favourite?"

"Yup, if he didn't do exercise he'd be overweight from eating them."

"I heard that Raphette," Lycan shouts from outside. He is training tenth graders.

"It's true," Raphette mutters.

"Why don't you bring him some water?" Kora hands me a 1L bottle of icy cold water, her wrinkly hands steadier then I'd expect from an old woman.

"Will do," I smile at her, I like her. She reminds me of CeeCee and I liked CeeCee.

My bare feet touch the soft grass and I am grateful it is spring. The smell of the forest only metres away calls to me, I ignore though and head to the wonderful gardens where my mate is. There are loads of ninth graders almost thirty. Both boys and girls of all sizes fighting against each other, sparring one in wolf form the other in human.

I head to Lycan who is busy sparring in human form against a small female black wolf. She has bright blue eyes like him. They must be related.

He doesn't see me, "Lycan can I join?" I ask.

He turns getting distracted, he looks so appealing sweaty and the fact that he has no shirt on. I take a quick glimpse at his bare chest. Oh lordie. It's not fair that he smells so good, now he looks so good.

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