stay please

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Harrys p.o.v.

I woke up and saw Petra in my bed, it was nice. Im glad I "told" her how i felt i finally know she feels the same. i didn't want to let go of her so i just layer there my arms wrapped around her just staring ar her while she sleeps. she's so cute when she sleeps. shes cute in general , wait let me correct that she's beautiful. i started smiling when i got the thought of her maybe being my girlfriend.

"Harry please don't leave"

she said Im not sure if she's talking in her sleep or if she's awake.

"I won't princess"

i then kissed her forehead. i then stayed for another hour or two when my arm finally went off.


"Im sorry love but i have to go to work, i will be back alright?"

i whispered to her hoping she heard. "promise you'll be back" she then pulled her pinky out and gestured for a pinky promise i then combined our pinky and promised.

"promise" then before i got up i gave her a pck on the cheek. got ready. As i was leaving Petra got up and ran into the living room.

"Harry wait"

"yes lo-" she then crushed her lips into mine  and seemed like forever , she then gave me a hug . then i left.

On my way to work i was thinking it was just yesterday when she said she didn't like me like that. When i finally arrived at work (recording studio) the boys were all there and i guess i was late.

"Heyy mate why you late?" Niall had asked while stuffing a taco in his mouth.

"erm i was having a good time and stayed up late"

Niall then ran up to me.

"Omg what'd you do. you gotta tell me did you have a girl over .. did Petra have Frida over??"

" def. no i had a good time with Petra" i then winked.

he gasped like loud

"oh my you didn't . did you gu-"

"shhh my gosh and no but we almost" Niall was being louder then ever my gosh.

I then quit talking to Niall and went to record the parts i had to.

-later that day-

The day went by fast and i was glad that i get to go back to Petra. I was thinking of her constantly and i could not stop i kinda liked it.

but eventually i arrived at home. i rushed myself up the stairs and finally home.

"hey Pet, Im home!" 

"Okai be down in a sec." i love hearing her voice.

she then started down the stairs .. she looked beautiful.

"Heyy!" she then came up and gave me a kiss. sweeter then ever i like that.

"Okai so i was won-"

*phone starts ringing*

"umm Heyy, Idk ill ask"

"pet do you want to go to a party tonight.. we don't have to if you don't want to?" , "yeah lets go"

"umm Okai well be there"

we then got ready for the party.

"Harry what kind of party is it formal or casual?"

"formal i think"

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