Chapter 11

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Luna's POV:
Mark hadn't been back in a few hours, Jack said it was nothing to worry about really he would be back. I heard voices outside the house.
"So this used to be one of the other villages?" It sounded like Josh. I turned to Jack and he held his finger to my mouth telling me to be quiet.
"I doubt we will find anything in here, it's been abandoned for hundreds of years," it was another voice that I didn't recognise.
"Still the elders said it would be a good idea to take some things for resources," Josh said. I moved to the dusted over window and using my sleeve wiped some off. I saw them standing almost right outside the window I ducked down so only my head showed. I felt Jack come up beside me. "I'm kind of scared Josh," the other guy said.
"Don't worry about it Mike nothing out here can get us we are miles away from the castle still."
"But what about the creatures that live in the Nothing, what if some of them are in the houses."
"Then we kill them simple as that."
"But we don't know what creature it could be."
"If it's big enough to hurt us in any sort of way then it wouldn't be in one of the houses now would it." Mike looked to the window. I didn't dare move but I didn't look at him either otherwise he would know. The house was too dark for him to see in so Jack and I were hidden. Mike pulled on Josh's shirt. "Josh," I thought Mike saw us but I still didn't dare move.
"What about Jack and Mark now Luna too."
"If they show up we try our best to kill them then run."
"Are we going to die?"
"Mike look shut up and just listen to me, snap out of it and start thinking straight. We are getting stuff and getting out I just have to find what we are looking for." I felt Jack move beside me and saw black smoke tendrils coming out of the ground behind Josh and Mike. He grabbed Josh with one throwing him in the ground, then they disappeared. "They are here!" Mike shouted scared.
"We can take them the cowards they are."
"Run, run little lambs run back to your pen," Jack said beside me his voice echoing to the outside. Mike screamed.
"I want to get out of here Josh please." Josh looked to the window I was looking out of then fired a fire ball at it.
"Cowards! Come out and fight!" He shouted. I moved back away from the window and to my room grabbing my bag.
"Leave it," Jack said. "It's harder to take non living objects." I dropped my bag hiding it underneath the bed at the very back where it was hidden in the dark corner. I felt Jack wrap his arms around me.
"Run, run little lambs," he said in the echoing voice again before the dark smoke engulfed us.

We were in a different place I could no longer see the castle or the illusion one anyway.
"Where are we?" I asked Jack.
"Out in the open and in a dangerous place," he looked scared as if he didn't want to go here.
"What did you mean dangerous why take us here then?"
"I didn't," he said in a hushed voice. I heard a massive roar, big enough to shake the earth. "Remember the creatures Josh was talking about," Jack said.
"This is the biggest one." I saw a looming shadow begin to appear out of the ground breaking the earth apart. The earth began to crack underneath my feet. I jumped towards Jack so I didn't fall into the earth. The creature came out of the ground standing kilometres in the air. "I think we should run," I said.
"I think so too." We turned and ran, but the creatures massive steps although slow he would reach us in one big step. A shadow loomed over us. I grabbed Jack's hand and thought of the one place I knew. Black smoke engulfed us.

It cleared and I was in my old house. "This is bad, very bad," Jack said.
"I know, but someone put you in there and maybe they didn't think I'd do it."
"I guess it better than being with that thing." It was still light out so we would have to wait until it became dark so we could leave. If we tried now we would surely be killed. I sat down on the ground underneath the window so I wasn't seen. Jack came and joined me. "What now?"
"We wait for..." I was cut off by voices outside.
"The darkness I can sense it in here, inside the barrier," it was one of the elders.
"It's probably just getting more powerful by the minute and is breaking through we just need to up the power," another said.
"No I mean in here, in this house. It feels stronger." Jack looked at me with a worried look on his face.
"Maybe it's because it was that Luna's house she gave off a very strong aura maybe it stayed around."
"I walked past this house yesterday and I didn't feel anything."
"It's just in your head the Darkness making you paranoid that's all."
"Whatever." They kept walking. I realised I had been holding in my breath that whole time.
"That was way to close," Jack whispered.
"Ya think." Just got to survive a few more hours then we are out.

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