Chapter 13

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Third Person POV: village
Back at the village a very scared Mike ran into the gates, he found Josh lying in the main road. He slid on the ground checking his vitals. He was still alive. "She didn't want to kill him?" Mike thought. "Maybe she isn't so bad." Mike stood looking out to the Nothing behind the barrier. "Thank you," he said. Mike knew Josh was the one at fault now, Luna hadn't killed Josh and she let Mike go. And Josh had killed the one she loved. "You asshole," Mike kicked the body of Josh and he spluttered sitting up suddenly.
"Did you kick me?!" Josh asked.
"I kicked you because you were the asshole not her."
"How can you say that!? She is pure evil!" Josh said taken back by Mike's sudden found confidence.
"I'm back here without a scratch and you perfectly fine, no marks on you what so ever you are still alive, your not even possessed. And you just killed someone."
"I killed someone evil I needed to kill Luna too, I have to go back out there." Josh tried to get up and Mike punched him in the nose.
"If Jack was really a bad guy and not being controlled like Luna said then don't you think she would be too. Did you not see the horrified look on her face when he was limp on the spike, dead."
"She is a monster she deserves it."
"You wouldn't know what it's like to lose someone important to you thought would you. Both your parents live happily, you haven't ever had a girlfriend to love. You don't know. If she was evil and did not care for life and death she wouldn't have been so angry, so rage fuelled about Jack dying. If she really was a monster we both wouldn't be alive right now." Mike walked away leaving Josh laying on the ground speechless. He still didn't seem to think any less of his actions.

Third Person POV: Mark in castle
A man walked out of and small room now filled with a black smoke. The Prince of Darkness smiled. "A perfect weapon," he smiled rubbing his hands together. "Now kill all that you once loved."
"I feel no love," the man said unrecognisable as the Mark he was once known as.
"Oh for god sake. Kill Jack and Luna."
"Jack is already gone, the Darkness told me," Mark said with no soul. The Prince laughed.
"Even more perfect this will be an easy job then. Kill Luna."
"As you wish." The fellow once Mark teleported out of the castle and into the house he once called home with his now passed best friend.

Third person POV: Luna and Jack
Luna held the limp body of Jack praying for a miracle. That somehow he wasn't dead, but his body got colder and colder his blood stained her clothing. "Please don't be dead," she whispered to him for the hundredth time hoping it would somehow bring him back to life, but he was gone. A dark figure loomed in the house only a few meters away from them, they were almost home.

The figure stepped out the of the house raising his hand which curled with the dark smoke. He positioned himself to kill Luna but something stopped him from doing so. Seeing the girl cradling the one she loved whose life was very nearly at its end too far to ever get back. The figure tried to fire at the girl but nothing happened he just couldn't. He couldn't kill his friend.

Luna looked up to see Mark, or what once was Mark holding up his hand ready to kill her. "Just get it over and done with," she pleaded. But Mark couldn't. "JUST KILL ME!!" She screamed at him still holding Jack's body. Mark didn't move. He slowly dropped his arm. The black smoke returned to his body. Life sparking back in his body. Simply he couldn't kill his friend. He felt the numbness subside, he was beginning to feel life again. "Why can't you just do it already," Luna said to herself tears falling out of her eyes. Mark walked up to Luna and Jack and dropped down on his knees. "Why can't you just kill me," she said to Mark.
"Because you're my friend." Mark reached out placing a hand on the wound on Jack's stomach. Luna looked up at Mark her eyes all puffy and red from crying.
"Even if you could Mark he is too far gone," Luna said defeated. "Even if you could somehow do it..." Her voice trailed off and her head dropped again and tears still fell from her eyes. Something within her just gave her that small amount on hope. She placed her hand on Mark's and a small light emitted from it. In absolute shock she let go and looked at her hand. "Luna, put you hand back on," Mark said urgently. They placed their hands back on Jack's wound. The light emitted again. Luna felt life returning, he wasn't too far gone. Jack opened his eyes in a gasp. Luna immediately hugged him tightly, Jack not knowing quite what happened he had seen death but somehow was alive again. He looked at Mark his face said it all. "Magic," Mark said. Jack laughed and then Luna pulled them both into a hug. Mark told the two about the prophecy that he heard about. How three people specifically two guys and a girl would be able to kill the Prince and defeat the Darkness. A new hope shone in their eyes. They were neither evil nor good they were neutral fighting for a better life.

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