Chapter 14

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Third person POV:
The three stormed to the castle and burst through the doors. The Prince was no where to be found. "You scared!" Mark yelled out.
"Me no, I'm not scared," he emerged from the darkness with his army of creatures. With a click of Luna's fingers and the creatures all burst into flames and ran away in a burning fury. "That's cheating!" The Prince shouted. "But lucky I brought a little back up." He seemed to conjure the dark smoke from above known as the malevolent Darkness. The Prince threw it at the three but it didn't touch them at all. "Impossible," the Prince muttered. He tried with all his might to kill the three but nothing worked. They walked closer and closer to him until he was cornered. They all went to get the darkness they possessed but instead a light emitted around the arms in a swirl, mixing with the darkness they tried to conjure creating a neutral power something that could defeat all. Luna hit the Prince first wounding him. "That's for killing my parents." The light burning him.
"This is for controlling us," Jack fired.
"And this is for trying to make me kill my friends," Mark said. He fired a beam at the Prince instead of a single blast. The others joined in and in a flash and Prince of Darkness was no more.

The smoke from above began to filter down and hit the floor. It became like a smoke monster. "Ready?" Luna looked to the two.
"Ready," Mark and Jack said in unison. They lifted their arms firing at the Darkness. It roared at the light. The castle began to crumble but they three kept going. The Darkness was dying. Large bits of stone fell from the roof but the Darkness was almost gone. Then in one last massive roar it disappeared in a flash of light. The castle crumbling underneath the three's feet. "Let's get out of here," Luna said. They ran out of the castle just making it out before the castle crumbled to dust. They celebrated jumping around cheering. Grass began to appear from underneath their feet.

The people of the village started to come out of their house realising that it was raining and grass growing underneath their very feet. "The Darkness is gone!" A cry came. People started cheering happily dancing in the rain as their crops grew strong. Instead of waiting months for it to fully grow and eating ripe food it grew in a matter of minutes nice and fresh.

The creature known as Oki felt the rain on its skin. It walked over the hole it created and sat in it becoming dormant. The earth gathered around it and covered the creature in grass and flowers.

Beneath the rubble one small slither of smoke escaped from underneath it. It flew over the heads of Mark, Jack and Luna and to the village. It flew into the house of the one person not celebrating. It flew into his eyes. He dropped from his desk to the ground covering his eyes, his yells muffled by the people cheering and the rain on the roof. He removed his hands from his face and opened his eyes. They were black and smoking. "I'm not done yet, you can never kill the Darkness." The man walked out of the house shaking the smoking eyes returning to his normal ones.
"Josh your missing out," a voice yelled to the man walking out of his house.
"I'm going to go check that the Darkness is really dead it could be a trick I'll let you know in a few days if it's everywhere else too.
"Alright don't be too long did you let the elders know?" Josh nodded.
"Of course." He lied and smiled as he walked out of the gate and headed to the castle in ruins.

The three friends headed back to their house to make it a real home. The rain had washed off the outside making it shine. They walked inside and it seemed a lot lighter. Mark grabbed a cloth and began wiping away the windows letting in the light. The soft patter of the rain on the roof. Luna went to underneath the bed grabbing her bag out from underneath it. A small note stuck in it. Don't trust Josh he isn't born to the light like you were. He was born to pure darkness, he is your uncle, I'm sorry Luna.
"Mum?" Luna said to herself.
"What?" Jack said walking it I the doorway. Luna quickly stuffed the note in her bag.
"Nothing, just surprised no one found my bag that's all." Jack moved towards her bringing Luna into a hug.
"At least we can be at peace now and just live out our lives until we get old and crusty." Luna laughed. She wrapped her arms around Jack.
"Or we can constantly run away from the people who still think we are evil."
"That too," Jack laughed.
"Group hug!" Mark shouted joining in on the hug. All was fine all was good, at least that's what they thought.

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