xi. the tell

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[ start of the tell ]

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[ start of the tell ]

WHEN AGREEING TO spend the night with Lydia, Eleanor did not expect to be sitting in Jackson's porsche, arguing about what movie they were all going to watch. She hadn't known Jackson would be included in this night, if she did she would not have said yes to Lydia's invitation.

"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it is the best sport movie ever made!" Jackson stated firmly to Lydia, pleading eyes on full display as the two girls rolled their eyes.


Jackson sighed. "It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper?"


"Lydia, I swear to god, you're going to like it!" He defended loudly, glaring at Eleanor as she quietly laughed in the backseat.

"You know what?" The youngest Hale started, climbing over Lydia and opening the passenger door. "I'm just going to go ahead and get The Notebook, because I know damn well that's what we'll be watching."

Jackson glared at her again as Lydia smiled in delight, however swatted Jackson's shoulder. "Jackson, go with her."


Lydia widened her eyes at his lack of kindness and stared at him, waiting until he rolled his eyes and opened the door. "Fine."

Meanwhile, Eleanor had already entered the store and the smell of blood immediately hit her nose. She wrinkled her eyebrows and sniffed slightly, wandering the isles to follow the scent she had caught. Something was definitely wrong. The smell pulled her toward the horror movie isle, and she froze in her place at the vision in front of her.

It was almost as if she was in a horror movie. Blood poured down the step ladder the clerk had previously been using, and trailed down to where the now deceased shop assistant lay, in a pool of his own cold blood. The smell was excruciatingly bad and her eyes watered at the stench, her mouth agape in shock.

The door chimed, signalling that someone else had entered the shop, and Eleanor turned to find Jackson walking toward her with a grimace. His eyes went wide with shock at the sight before him and Eleanor spoke quietly, yet clearly. "Jackson, go."

However, the demand was too late, and Jackson was shoved to the side and into a cabinet with great force by a tall, black creature with red glowing eyes. The alpha. Eleanor widened her eyes and noticed Jackson's eyes planted firmly on her, deciding that now would definitely not be the best time to shift into werewolf form and protect herself. She couldn't risk him knowing.

orphic [1] ⇻ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now