I Miss You And I Need You Here Part 7

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Hey guys sorry i haven't updated recently, school just started and it's been kinda hectic. Alrighty now hopefully you like this chapter, it's gonna get a bit different.

Your POV
It's been a month since I lost the baby, yeah it's been really hard. The thought of having a child made me happy, it made me forget about everything. Once i lost this child, it was like everything came back to haunt me. I have no one to lay next to me at night, no one to hold me, no one to kiss me.... no one to love me. It started to really get to my head, I'd wake up in the middle of the night and have panic attacks. It was hard on Ryan as well, he tried his best to help me and take care of me. I really needed him and it felt like he needed me.

Ryan was up making breakfast for the both of us and I walk out looking like a tired mess, Ryan was in a happy mood.... happier than usual.

"You seem chipper" I said in a suspicious tone of voice.

"Ah, Y/N thank god your up. I've been wanting to talk to you about something" Ryan said placing a plate of food in front of me.

"And this thing is?" I asked.

"We are going to go job searching" he said with a big grin on his face.

"Ryan don't you already have a job" I asked.

"This is not for me, this is for you" he explained.

"Woah woah woah, Ryan do you want me to move out, I will move out if you really want me too I -"

"NO, you don't have to move out, I love you being here. You keep me company. It's just that I think you should get out of the house and do something, something that would make you happy" he looked at me and smiled. I didn't think Ryan cared about me this much, he's really going out of his way to get me a job. Wow.

I finished my breakfast and went to my room and started to get ready, I took all my clothes off and got into the shower. I started to think about Ryan and why he was being so nice and so generous, he really is a dreamy guy. Wait what? A dreamy guy?.. Ryans not a dreamy guy . he's ryan, he can't be dreamy... right?

I got out of the shower and rapped a towel around my body, I walked out and went to my closet to find something to wear.

"Hey Y/N I was thinking we could walk down to- " Ryan said as we walked in.

"RYAN GET OUT" I said as my towel got caught on the end of my bed and unraveled, I stood there naked. Ryan was half freaking out and half in aw.

"RYAN!!!" I yelled. Ryan ran out yelling sorry a thousand times over, I was so embarrassed. I took a deep breath and took out my clothes and started to get dressed.

I walked out of my bedroom and straight to the kitchen, Ryan was there reading a magazine. I could tell that he was trying not to make eye contact, I could tell he felt pretty awkward.

"Hey" i said breaking the silence.

"Hey" he awkwardly said back.

"Soooooo" I then said.

"Yep" Ryan then responded

"You saw me naked" I said in a "suprise" way.

"I- I did" Ryan responded

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't want you to see my body, it's not very flattering" I said, I could feel my cheeks blush.

"What?? Are you kidding me, you're body is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It could bring tears to a painters eye, don't ever say something like that about yourself agian. " he said standing up and looking at me. There was a long period of silence. I walked up to Ryan and our lips connected, it could hear symphonies playing in my head. This feeling was so over whelming that I didn't even realising how long we were standing there for. Ryans hands moved from my face to my hips, bring me closer into him. This feeling of comfort had returned, the feeling of love had returned.

There you go, I apologise for not updating but to repay you, I am extending the story and putting more drama in it. So hopefully you enjoy it, comment what you'd like to see in this story. Thx guys for 38k reads, y'all mean the world to me.
- xx Tamika.

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