Episode 6: Temple Log

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Are the Crystal...
We'll always save the day!
And if you think we can...
We'll always find a way!
That's why the people Of. This. World.
Believe in...
And Pearl!

"I heard stuff like that before. But I don't keep secrets about that, hate to break it to you."
"But there's gotta be something! Right?"
"If the room did show me, what did it show about me."
Steven sighed, it's for the best.
"Well, I was in the room for a while. Then came you, you were holding out your knife with neon pink, you were healing a Rose Quartz with it! And then you turn into pieces, reforming back and... Gave me this." Steven showed the gems lying there on the table. Alex thought for a while, then said: "You checked the Temple for small things?"
"Nobody has access to mom's room."
"What did you see other than that in the nightmare?"
"I saw previous things that I moved past by now. But the one with you in it wasn't shattered. Thoughts as Garnet told me."
Alex sighed, "I'm going in then."
Steven opened the room again, he walked up but stopped by Alex. "Second attempt, me only. You stay here, if anyone calls from your walkie talkie, don't answer." He walked in without a single doubt.
The room was bright, really bright. He eventually have to find a way back. He looked around, nothing seemed wrong. Except... For that giant hole on the ground. He looked down, it's an endless pit as it seemed like.
"Jumping in then."
He jumped into the hole, hoping to find some information. Like Steven said, it was dark, covered, but no alternate doors. He walked around, they were several light butterflies now. Three of them shattered, but there was two left.
One showed his friends, Steven and the gang. There were the only ones that cared about him now. It was not a full picture, but there was blood dripping. Someone used the blood and crossed the picture of his friends. It was his hands. That one turned into a Rose Quartz too, but cracked. He remembered what Steven said, his knife healed a Rose Quartz. He took out his knife, with a shade of neon pink.
The second light butterfly showed nothing but the background right now. Someone climbed out of it, with a sword...
Alex turned around to see himself standing there, preparing to attack.

It's been a while now. The gems were still not reforming. Steven was getting bored by now, he's really worried about Alex.
"Don't worry about it, Alex's gonna be fine, right?"
The walkie talkie started to tune in something, "Steven, open the door! Now!"
"Uh, okay!"
Right when he was about to open up the door, he remembered the Alex inside the thought, and what this world's Alex said: "If anyone calls from your walkie talkie, don't answer." Alex didn't bring anything except for his knife, Steven stared at the door, trembling, wondering if he should go in. What happens after all of this?
The gems reformed, seeing Steven shaking horrifyingly in front of the Temple door.
Steven flinched and fell back, Amethyst held him back up. "What is it?"
"Alex's inside, he said don't answer the walkie talkie, but he's talking to me right- oh forget it, let me start from the beginning again."
The distress signal that came from the walkie talkie has stopped.
'Don't answer.'

Alex looked at his own doppelganger, staring him with a smile.
"You can't do this forever, growing up can be tough, ya' know."
Alex shivered, a swarm of coldness surrounded him, "What the- that doesn't ring a bell."
"You can't always gain someone's trust, the truth might hurt, but it's the least bit you can do, hey look, I'm just your inner demons okay? Stop looking at me like I know the future or something."
"Yeah, I kinda like your style."
"Thanks, no one apprrciates that. The fact that, someday, when you snap, you're gonna hurt your friends. We can't tell if it's the outside or the inside, and we don't need to. It's your choice if you want to hurt someone from the outside or inside, I'm not judgement."
"No one's gonna give me an option right."
"Ya darn right. It's your choice."
Alex looked at the Rose Quartz he picked up, he activated his knife, neon pink outlined, he gently touched it.
He smiled, showing a sign of acceptance, he never felt that since he was 5.
Now. Five stages have been experienced.
"Bye, remember to sleep at night." His inner demons now truly shattered, the room shrunk, revealing a small hole. He jumped up the hole and made his way back to Rose's room. The light butterfly grew back to it's normal size, and shattered into pieces.
The Rose Quartz grew stronger than ever, it's glow filled the room that Alex had to close his own eyes. It formed into a small door, but this one didn't lead back, it leaded to a grassy field, with pink flowers and small shards of a pink sort of gem, that was actually a year ago, before Alex plucked all of them and kept it for himself... He went out to what seemed to be the Palanquin of Pink Diamond, it was broken down very hard.
The door behind him didn't shut this time.
The Palanquin started to have healed cracks, now balanced it's legs. The vines have grew into small flowers, with the same kind of petals.
A background voice came up, they were talking about something. He couldn't get all the words out.
"... Petals... Legend... Earth... Growing Up..."
He walked in front of the Palanquin, the conversation was now clearer.
"She'll be back to greet us..." Was their final sentence.
Alex remembered that sentence and went back to the door. A flash of light filled the room.
He was back from the room itself. Steven hugged him as usual and asked about what he saw.
"That's all?"
"I don't know what your room wants from me. But I think it knows something I know, something big."
"Do we have to know about it?"
Alex kept quiet for a while, and then said: "Let me home out for a while." He walked to the Warp Pad and went back to home.
"Well, we'll know soon."

It was night time now, Steven's experience was harsh today, all he need is a good night sleep.
The Warp Pad activates before he went back to sleep. Alex had his backpack up, he also wore a new jacket now.
"Alex? What are you doin-"
"Grab the gems. We're going to the moon."
"Wait what?"
"Now. Steven."
He tore open a portal with his knife and went in. "We're finding answers now."
Steven had just realized he and Alex really has something in common now.


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