Episode 15: Log Date 8 13 9

11 1 2

Are the Crystal...
We'll always save the day!
And if you think we can...
We'll always find a way!
That's why the people Of. This. World.
Believe in...
And Pearl!

Log Date 8 04 2.
Hi. My name is Alexander Budwick. It's been 5 months since I met the Crystal Gems, rebellion of the infamous and powerful Homeworld. Right now I am recording the recent events that are about to happen, leading up to my 18th birthday. Hey! I'm short but yes, I'm 18. Right now I'm at the Temple waiting for them to come back, Peridot gave me her newly modified recorder to mess around it for a while. So, I figure, let's have some fun.

Log Date 8 05 2
I recorded at least 9 logs but they didn't work out so I decided to skip to this log, they haven't came back yet so I played around Steven's room, not like he's got any good games in his console but eh... Wait they're back!

Log Date 8 05 7
Name: Steven Universe. He's my first friend and also a hybrid of a Rose Quartz and a human, I met Greg, that must explains why he's sometimes a bit naive. It was always me and Steven, even though we didn't have that much adventures together, I almost got him killed that one time. Anyway, I figure I can trust him, he's always taking care of me.

Log Date 8 05 8
Name: Connie Maheswaran. My other friend that we stumbled across when she left her sword. Connie has a different perspective and view of the world, she's just a normal human but she can be stronger than any average human due to her sick swordfighting skills. I can also trust her and count on her whenever we're on missions, I know it.

Log Date 8 05 9
Name: Greg Universe. We never really met that much, but all I know is he's always a real loving and caring father for Steven. We talked about him once, without him, Steven wouldn't have existed. Could have swore I saw a picture of him looking 'hot'.

Log Date 8 06 1
Had to skip one of it, I messed it up again. Anyway. Code name: Crystal Gems, also known as Amethyst, Pearl and Garnet. I call them in their separate ways, I can quite relate to Amethyst, she's always a funny and positive gem, but sometimes she can be hostile when reminded of something in her past life, or something like that who knows? Pearl is pretty sensitive when it comes to some big things, she can be overprotective, for the best that is. Garnet, the well... How do I say her? She's kinda... Well, always serious but caring too, she's a fusion of a Ruby and Sapphire, which is like pouring gasoline on fire, makes it stronger, huh, fusion... Might have to do research on that.

Log Date 8 07 3
Names: Peridot and Lapis Lazuli. I heard they were room mates of the barn I visited, they watch the same show, and sometimes work together, that doesn't mean they can sometimes get into disagreements and maybe even small fights over small things, typical. I only met them twice so I don't understand them that much. All I know is that Steven's mental power to convince gems to stay is pretty inevitable.

Log Date 8 08 6
Name: Andy Demayo. I met him only once, and we're pretty close by now, I can kinda understand a side of him clearly, but I can't really explain that much of it. He does have a sweet plane though!

Log Date 8 09 7
Name: Tourmaline. We met a week ago, she's staying in Steven's now, and she never sleeps, sometimes I'll find her playing with fire, and she never misses if the target is still, I tried that, she always takes a bullseye. She can be shy but also confident at the same time, she's kind but powerful. She's like a demon with angel intentions. Glad we have her on our side.

Log Date 8 10 2
They are staying at the barn for quite a while by now, wondering what's taking so long, what's the difficulty of setting up a birthday party? Woah hey is that an explosion?

Log Date 8 10 3
Running to the barn now, shouldn't take that long, I gave Steven everything I have. There's even smoke, some big smoke. This is really, really bad!

Log Date 8 10 5
Okay I just checked, Tourmaline accidentally exploded the gas tan- wait, a GAS TANK? What in world is Steven thinking?!

Log Date 8 11 1
Day 2, I don't know how it's all ending, but gas tanks is just whadda! They're coming back now and we're staying at the barn for quite a few days, can't wait being 18! And I'm not even going to college! How could this get any better other than everything backfiring on me! Oh em... Shouldn't have jinx that... Next Log Date!

Log Date 8 11 6
I still don't get to see the equipments or the gas tanks- Pffffff *chuckles. Sorry I couldn't keep thinking about gas tanks! Why am I joking about gas tanks?

Log Date 8 12 4
So em... This is just for backup cases but... I figured I do this. Look, if someone is hearing this, which might be Steven. Thanks for everything so far, we made a lot of progress even for 5 months, and if we can continue on like this, I'm sure I'll think about it more. After this party, I might be staying at yours instead of going back to night-watch. So, please, if you can do that, thanks for everything. I searched most of my answers already. And I left a small present for you too, even if it's not your birthday, but we don't need to have birthdays to get presents, so if you're listening this, I left something under your bed. For now, I have one more Log to submit.

Log Date 8 13 9
One day left until the party starts, this one is not for anyone else I know. Instead, I'm asking myself to listen to this, yes, this is only for me. But I'm pretty sure everyone will hear this, and I don't mind. Listen, kiddo, we didn't live that long just to talk once without even meeting, and I'm sure it's stupid to talk to myself, but I understand the meaning of this, and I want to let us know that, even the people who lost more than enough, can still be heroes, it worked for us, and we're not gonna stop being one. This is a small promise to myself, no matter where I go, no matter where I am...
I will never turn the table of my whole life, even if it seemed like it. Goodbye.

That was what Steven heard last, he decided it would be a good idea to give it back to Alex.
"Alex? Here." Passing the recorder to him.
"Oh, thanks."
"I'm going back to the Temple for a while. See you soon."
"Yeah, see you soon."
He looked at the recorder, and his face drained.
Steven found a small chest under his bed, he opened and found a small photo, it was the first ever picture they took together, everyone was there, as happy as they can be.
Alex's pressed the record button once more.

"Log Date 8 14 0. I sense something is wrong, the gems will come back one day, sorry dad. But, I think I can handle this, this time at least."

"Like always you say."
"Before the Storm."

Log Date 12 47 8
This is Moonstone. Preparing silent invasion on Earth. Location: Pink Diamond's Palanquin.
Target: Alexander Budwick.


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