To reject or accept

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picture of Bradley ---->

Eva's POV

I wrapped my arms around chases neck, how could I have not saw it before? He treats me like a mate, his wolf loves me like I'm his mate and I feel sparks whenever we touch. I thought second chance mates were a thing of fairytales, fantasies wolves used to have when they lost their mates but apparently they were real, and here was mine, right in front of me.

I felt chase's tongue on my lip, begging for entrance but it was then that I realised we were not the only ones here. I pulled away and heard chase groan in sadness at the loss of contact. He still had his arms wrapped tightly around me, making me feel safe and secure.

I turned around and saw the most terrifying sight I've ever saw in my whole 16 years.

My mates.

Growling, their eyes black, their backs hunched ready to shift. But weirdly, that wasn't the worst part. They had girls with them, my mates had dates. How could they? I know what your thinking, god Eva your such a hypocrite! You have a date! But the thing is, chase is my mate also, I have a right to be here with him.

I felt a presence at my side and turned to see Tate full of rage.

"Get. Off. My. MATE!" His hands shot to chases neck but he quickly dodged and growled at Tate.

Suddenly Scott and Kieran lunged at chase and I. Chase moved me behind him in a protective stance and stood ready for the blow he was about to take.

"STOP!" that wasn't me, but it came from my mouth, it must've been me. Wait....luna!

"This has gone far enough, I don't think this is the time, or place for this. However, if you wish to sort this out like normal people, I'll be outside." I felt my feet moving towards the door of their own accord and soon I was outside in the cold brisk night of winter.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and already knew it was chase from the scent of pine and vanilla.

Luna purred in delight and snuggled closer to his chest.

"What did I say about touching my mate mutt?" Again Tate was standing at my side, glaring at chase.

"Tate, enough" I looked behind me to see Blake looking lovingly at me, his eyes full of sadness and longing.

"No Blake, not enough! He's all over her! For fucks sake, he kissed her!" Kieran was now outside joining Tate and Blake with Scott trailing behind.

"No, Blake's right, enough is enough! How dare you try and hurt chase! After all you have put Eva through! You kidnapped her, took her to your mansion, let her run with you and then let her get kidnapped again! Promising her you'd come and get her, 6 months later, your still not here to come and get her! And now that she's finally trying to move on, here you are! Not only that but you've all got some girls with you!" I was proud of luna for that, she always had my back in times like this.

"Luna, my love, I'm sorry, but you don't understand, the girl I was with is blakes sister, Noah" I could tell this was Blake's wolf talking from the way his eyes were fully Black and the way he called me luna.

"Skylar, I know that. I am not referring to you. I still love you with all my heart and soul. I know that you and Blake and Luca and Scott had tried to rescue me and Eva, but Kieran and Tate would not let you. It is not you I am angry with, it's Tate and Kieran my love"

luna stepped out of chases embrace and wrapped her arms around Blake. He buried his face into my neck and kissed the spot where he would mark me. Another two people were now next to me and again kissed other spots on my neck. Luka and red. Also known as Scott and chase.

I heard 2 growls and saw Tate and Kieran breathing heavily, staring at chase.

"He is not your mate, we are" Kieran said with a look that could kill.

"He is my mate. And you will not treat him any differently!" Wow luna was pissed today.

"We were not the only ones with girls and you know it! We had reasons for not coming to rescue you!" Wow Tate was also pissed, can wolves have periods? Cause I think Tate was on his.

"Yeah, you weren't the only ones. Skylar had a girl and so did Luka! The only difference is that they were their sisters! I know what you did Xavier, I know that you slept with that human! How dare you call me your mate! I will never be your mate, ever!" Tate took a step back. I knew he was hurt and I couldn't help but want to reach out and tell him I didn't mean it, that i still loved him. But with Blake's arms keeping me taped to his side, I couldn't.

"What are you trying to say?" Kieran said, well, not so much Kieran now. It was his wolf. Whatever his name is.

"I am trying to say that I, luna Lockhart reject you Xavier Steele and Ruben knight as my m-" luna stopped as I felt a claw ripping me away from Scott, Blake and chase.

An ear piercing scream came from my mouth at the shock of what just happened.

How could they?......

Oh no.....he he heyyyy guys! Hope you all liked this chapter! Be sure to vote, follow and comment!

I am really sorry if this was confusing with all the wolves names and stuff but hopefully you'll forgive me. I'll put all the wolves names and who they belong to on the next update so you don't get confused!


What do you think of chase being Eva's fifth mate? Think he's a good choice or not?

Why did Tate and Kieran not come and get Eva? And why the hell did Tate sleep with some girl while Eva was gone!?

Find out next time on......

My enemies are my mates!?

Thanks guys!

Love ya's!

Kay xxx

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