Don't care!

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The following day after they met Megumi

*Syo's POV*

All STARISH were asked to gather in the practice room to practice our dances. Megumi was also there, sitting at a corner and watching us practice.

She was singing along with the song when we danced. At the end of the performance, after we posed, Megumi stood up and clapped. Nanami then stood up from the piano bench and announced, "Okay, that's all for today."

Yes!! We've been performing for 4-5 hours and I'm dead tired. I saw Megumi walking over to Natsuki and gave him a towel to wipe his sweats. Natsuki smiled and took it gratefully. I watched the both of them talking and smiling happily.

Aww... Can I join them? What?! Nonononono!! I DID NOT just thought of that!!

I sighed, got up and left the room without a word.

*Megumi's POV*

I saw Syo left the room without a word. I turned to Natsuki and said, "I'll be back." And left the room too.

Syo was walking down the hall and I ran to him. "SYO!! WAIT!!"

He turned and smiled at me. "Hey Megumi." He said when I reached him. Both of us started to walk without a word. I have no idea where we're going. Just following Syo.

We turned a few corners when suddenly my phone rang. Syo looked back and stopped walking. I took out my phone and see the ID caller. It was.. My mom.

I forced a smile at Syo and said, "Syo. Sorry I have to pick this call so i can't accompany you to..wherever you're going." He nodded. "It's okay." And left. Sighing, I pressed the green button and answered it. "Yes mom?"


*Syo's POV*

I left Megumi because she wanted to pick up the phone call. But she doesn't seemed happy about the caller. Why?

I shook my head, determined that I don't care. It's okay. You have nothing to do with it... Besides, You. Don't. Care! Remember that!

But why do I feel like I want to know more about her?

Hmm...I see.. This must be what they call curiosity. Nothing more.

I arrived outside my room and entered to take a bathe. Time to relax and take a nap.


Yello!! Everyone!! Hope u like this chapter :) thanks for the votes and comments!! Please continue reading and voting :D

Dedicated to @Otaku4life


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