Shopping is fun!!

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*Megumi's POV*

Natsuki knocked on my door half an hour later and announced that he was ready to go. He drove us to the mall in his pink Mercedes (I don't think they have Mercedes in pink. But who cares?) I sat next to Natsuki in the passenger's seat. "Uhm... Natsuki?"

He started the engine and started to pull out from the parking. "Yes?" He asked, eyes on the road. I giggled. "Why pink?"

He laughed. "Why? Because it's the cutest colour I've seen in my life."

I laughed at his answer. "You never change."

Natsuki smiled and the radio started blasting STARISH 1000% and we both sang along with it all the way to the mall. We reached the mall, we got out of the car and Natsuki pulled a trolley with him before entering the mall.

I ran to the sweets section and took a lot of chocolate bars in my arms and put it into the trolley. Natsuki tsk-ed disapprovingly at me as he eyed the mountain of sweets in the trolley. "I have never seen a girl with such unhealthy diet before." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "Look who's talking. I'm sure you'll fight with me for the chocolates when we get back."

He winked as he smiled widely and went to grab some more sweets and chocolate bars. "Well, I guess you're right. So let's buy more!"

I laughed and after that, we went to the next section; the veggies section. We stopped and looked at the rows of vegetables. Cabbages.... Carrots... Brocollis... And more. Ugh... So much vegetables.

I looked at Natsuki and he looked back. We both shook our head at the same time as we chorused, "Hell no." and walked past it.

We reached the meat section and we started arguing which animal meat is the best. "Chicken meat is the best!!'

I shook my head and argued. "No!! Beef!! The!! Best!!"




Then we shrugged and put both meats into the trolley. Suddenly behind us someone exclaimed, "See I was right!" My blood froze when I recognized the voice. Natsuki frowned angrily and turned to face them. My sisters and mother...

"Megumi." My mother's voice greeted me coldly. Her voice send chills up my spine. Brr... I turned slowly and lowered my head. "M-mom."

She looked up and down my body. After what seemed like hours of 'inspection', she finally said, "You... Seem well."

"Rot in hell bitch!"

Did I just say that?!! No.. I looked at Natsuki. He was the one who said it. I held his hand as I hid behind him. "Natsuki, it's ok... " I whispered softly. He continue glaring at them but he listened and turned away from my 'family'.

We started walking the other direction but before we went out of sight, Natsuki turned and yelled. "From now on, Megumi will be living with me and she won't go back anymore!!"

Everyone turned their heads to stare at us. I quickly pulled him towards the cashier. We paid for the goods and left the building. Natsuki put the goods at the back of his Mercedes and I helped him in silence.

We climbed into his car and he started the engine. When we're on the road, Natsuki said, "You deserve to live in a place where everyone loves you." Hearing Natsuki say that brought tears to me. I quickly wiped my tears. "Thanks you."

He smiled and added. "Everyone loves you... But there's someone who loves you more than everyone.. Well beside me, I love you the most. But the other person who loves you most is..."

Someone who loves me the most? I stared at him confusedly. He turned to me, eyes sparkling. "SYO!!"

*Natsuki's POV*

"Thank you."

Aww.. Megumi is such a sweet girl. The atmosphere is still kind of tense so I decided to liven it a bit. I smiled and added. "Everyone loves you... But there's someone who loves you more than everyone. Well beside me, I love you the most. But the other person who loves you most is..."

She stared at me and I turned to her. "SYO!!" Megumi smiled happily and clapped her hands in glee. "Yay!! I love him too!!"

This time, I stared at her, confused. "You love Syo?"

She hummed happily. "Of course I do. He's the first member in STARISH I met beside you and he treated me really nicely!! Of course I love him!!"

Uh... I don't think she understand what I meant. Well I guess that's okay for now. As long as Megumi is smilling again, I don't mind.

*Syo's POV*

I was walking around the school and when I reached the parking lot, I saw Natsuki's car pulled in. Where did he go? I watched him climbed out and I also saw Megumi. They went out together... WITHOUT me!! I saw them carrying a lot of grocery bags and ran to them. "Do you need help?"

Natsuki and Megumi turned to me and smiled. "Yes!" We carried the goddies all the way to STARISH's dorm. When we entered, everyone looked up from what they're doing. They rushed to us and Ittoki asked, "Wow, did you guys plan to throw parties?"

Nanami looked into the plastic bags and asked, "Why is there only junk foods? No vegetables?"

I saw Natsuki and Megumi cringed and they both stuck out their tongues. "We hate vegetables!!" Megumi looked so cute!! Even with her tongue out!!! I face-palmed myself. My brain.. Can you  stop thinking of this kind of things?!!

Ichinose sighed. "Teenagers these days... Extremely Unhealthy." Natsuki smiled and throw his hands in the air. "Let's party!!"

Ittoki and Cecil practically dived into the sweets. I watched Megumi and Natsuki having a battle in eating the most sweets. Both stuffing their mouth with chocolates and sweets. Megumi's cheeks are so chubby!! I really love it!!

Uh.. I mean she's.. Uh.. Cute..?


Ren stood next to me. "Why is your face so red?" I turned away. "No reason..."

So why is my heart beating so fast?


Hi everyone!! I'm back with a new chapter again!! Hope you like it XD I tried to make it as long as I can... But..failed.. And I also tried to write as detail as I can so please tell me if it's okay or should I improve. :)

Dedicated to: @Otaku4life

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