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A/N: Don't forget to vote, comment and most importantly enjoy!


I was awake way before I opened my eyes. 

The soft surface I was laying on was way too comfortable for me to make a slightest  gesture that would ruin the this state. But it was weird. Especially considering I haven't had a comfortable bed in years... And that's when it hit me.

I haven't had a comfortable bed in years! This wasn't possible, I thought as memories of last night crept their way back into my mind.

Screaming. Broken glass. Yelling. Stomping... And more screaming. 

My eyes flew open and I sat straight up in my bed.

I looked around. 

But it wasn't my bed. Nor my room.

"What the fuck?" I hissed to myself as I threw the covers away from me and stood up. 

I was still in the same clothes though.

Black skinny's and my Black Sabbath tee. Even my black converse were near my bed and my leather jacket was hanging from the door. 

I walked around the small room I was in. It was like a small hotel room, only the thing was that the whole room was slightly rocking. It wasn't really noticeable when I was walking, but when I would stay in place and focus on my feet, yup everything was slightly rocking. 

I had a big drawer, a small table with two chairs and a small lamp sticking out from the wall near the bed in the room. It wasn't much, but it was enough for a small hotel room that this clearly was.

But how the fuck did I get here? 

I grabbed my black converse and slipped them on, then I grabbed my leather jacket and opened the door of the room I was in.

When I stepped outside I found myself in a long hallway with at least 10 white doors with a number written across it. The room I woke up in was under the number 313. 

Of course it's 13, just another sign of my magnificent luck.

I walked out of the hallway just to stumble into another one. This one was longer though. A lot longer and judging by all the other smaller hallways like the one I just came out of that were coming out of this one, it was the main hallway. 

I walked slowly, examining, and it took me about 3 minutes to get out.

Well, I didn't really get out. All I've done was stumble into yet another hallway. This one didn't have any smaller hallways coming out of it's sides, but it had angles so I followed them thinking I'll get to the exit. But instead, I came across two hallways each going their own separate way.

Are you kidding me?

I followed the left hallway now already slightly paranoid, so when it led me into yet another hallway my paranoia level jumped to a 100. 

I was picking up pace as I followed the hallways that would lead me into yet another one hoping that each next one was the last one. But they just kept coming.

I didn't realize I was running until I was out of breath. I was now at the very beginning of a long hallway with angles, so I leaned onto the cold wall behind me not wanting to chase an exit that clearly wasn't there. 

Where the fuck was I? Am I dead? Is this what Hell looks like?

When I let myself close my eyes for a second, I heard a chuckle. It was like someone was trying to hold back their laughter. 

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