Chapter 14

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A/N: Guys, you made it till Sunday haha yes, I'm aware I'm evil, but I hope you know that the wait is killing me too bc I literally live for your comments XD... Anyways, this is an ''action'' chapter... Lmao try not to cringe too hard!


"Metallica last night was the shit!" Andy commented while our group of 5 was currently sitting at a table in a club.
"I liked Avenged Sevenfold a lot better." I said.
"No way!" Lzzy jumped in. "M. Shadows was off the whole set."
"Right?!" Andy exclaimed.
"What about Skillet guys?" Austin said. "They were a killer opener. If you asked me they should've headlined."
"They have like 3 good songs." Andy said.
"You only listen to Kiss and Metallica, so your opinion doesn't count." Austin told him.
"I agree with him." I gave Austin a cheeky grin.
"Yeah, but you like only listen to Nu Metal and the big 4 so your opinion doesn't count either." Austin dismissed me.
"Or maybe your music taste just sucks." Lzzy laughed at Austin who rolled his eyes.
"A little help here Alan?" Austin turned to his boyfriend.
"Oh yeah, Skillet - the best band ever!" Alan said sarcastically.
"Gee thanks." Austin clicked his tongue and we all laughed.
The first day in Portugal - Lisbon, to be more precise, went great. Yesterday we spent all day at the festival that was organized for the three bands that played and afterwards we were all exhausted and slept till like 3 pm. Then, today, when we finally bothered to take a shower and change we headed out to actually see the city and maybe go grab something to eat. And then that turned into this - sitting down in a club drinking while pointlessly joking and being way too loud for a group of foreign kids.
"Let's get drunk." Andy suggested changing the topic.
"You haven't stopped drinking since we got here, how are you not drunk already?" Austin asked him.
"Maybe because he isn't a little bitch?" Lzzy suggested making all of us but Austin laugh.
"Why are you all bullying me?" Austin sighed dramatically.
"That's what you get when you're the nice one in the group." I punched his shoulder playfully.
"Well then?" Andy nagged impatiently. "Shall I order shots?"
"Go ahead." Lzzy told him and then he turned to the bartender.
I wanted to tell him not to order something too strong because I was still kinda hangover from two days ago but by the time it crossed my mind we all already had our drinks in front of us.
I remember finding a studio room and then going to the roof and finding some kind of a whiskey and the rest is just a hole in my mind. Andy told me that they found me in my room later that day so I guess I managed to get myself back there before I passed out.
I looked at the small glass with blueish liquid in it contemplating what should I do with it before I passed it to Andy. He's practically immune to alcohol anyways.
"I'm gonna have something else." I said getting up from my seat walking along the bar table so I could get a better look at all the cocktails they had.
Eventually something else caught my attention. A movement in the crowd.
Yeah I know it was weird that I was intrigued by a movement in the middle of a crowd in a night club, but it was about how familiar that movement looked.
I found myself slipping away from the bar table and into the crowd as I followed the familiar figure that moved through the mass gracefully dodging elbows.
By the time I recognized him I was already in a small hallway towards the rest room where the music was much quieter.
"What was so important that you had to drag me away from my seat?" Bruce questioned James and Sam who looked pissed - just like any other time when they'd talk to him thinking I wasn't listening.
"Well, it's a good thing you haven't ordered yet because our green cards aren't working." Sam spat.
I was so taken back by his sentence that I had to take a step back and lean onto the wall on the other side of the hallway and take a deep breath.
Ben seemed equally as shocked as I was considering he just stared at his friends for a few moments. "What do you mean our green cards aren't working? They worked perfectly fine yesterday!"
"I know idiot, but they've been declined." James said.
"Shit." Bruce hissed turning away from them as he rubbed his temples. "Shit, I should've thought about this."
"Goddamn right you should've." Sam whisper yelled at him.
"Shut up." Bruce snapped. "I... You..." He took a deep breath. "Listen, we can still get out of this. We only have to get to London as soon as possible."
"You're saying this like it's a piece of cake!" James looked at him like he was crazy.
"It is if you shut up and listen!" Bruce said keeping his voice down but tone sharp. "Go get the passengers, tell them to get back to the ship as soon as possible and spread the word that we're sailing earlier. You have half an hour to get them on board."
"Half an hour?!" Sam exclaimed. "Are you crazy?!"
"Maybe, but you better start now." Bruce smiled at them crossing his arms. "And don't you dare tell anyone about the green cards. Make up any excuse I don't care, but the last thing I need right now is panic. If our cards have been declined that means that Danny figured out what we're onto and he's convinced the pirates to cooperate which is not good for us in any sense."
"I think we won't have to tell anyone anything, you already did it yourself, I think." James said and by the time I realized that him and Sam were looking directly at me they already recognized me.
"Is that..." Sam pointed to me.
"Yeah." James nodded as Bruce turned around.
"Fuck..." I heard their leader whisper as my heart jumped to my throat.
I turned around on my heels sprinting back to the dance floor pushing people out of my way.
I heard footsteps behind me and I knew at least one of them was following me - considering my luck probably Bruce alone. I had to lose him in the crowd and warn my friends.
What did that mean? That the pirates and Danny were cooperating? How the fuck did they even know where we were? I remember Bruce saying something about heading towards the UK so it doesn't seem suspicious? Suspicious to who and why did he change his mind? 
So many questions and literally no answers!
The only important thing right now was that our green cards weren't working which meant that we couldn't pay for our drinks which meant they're probably gonna arrest us and telling the police that we have no idea about anything isn't really a solution in any way.
When I got back to our seats I saw only Austin.
"Aust where are the others?" I yelled at him unintentionally.
He flinched, but relaxed when he saw it was just me. "They went off to..."
"Listen..." I cut him off. "Get them as soon as you can and get out, okay?"
"What is happ..."
"That's not important right now!" I cut him off again. "Just get the others now and get the fuck out before anyone asks you to pay for these stupid drinks. Then get to the ship as fast as possible. Got it?"
"Denis I don't..."
"Got it?!" I yelled at him again looking back hoping I'll spot Bruce before he spots me.
"Okay, okay, I get it, but..."
"Good." I said as I heard him confirm that he'll get Andy, Lzzy and Alan and get the fuck out.
Then when I turned around I saw Bruce just in time when he saw me. Our gazes met and we just stared at each other for a few moments.
I have no idea what went through his head, but then as if he wasn't chasing me, he turned around and ran.
Oh no, you're not doing this, I thought as I ran after him.
Whatever happened between us and no matter how confusing he was he owed me answers.
Exactly what I thought was gonna happen happened. He put us all in danger just for his stupid plans and now that danger was finally coming for us.
I couldn't believe how stupid he was. I knew he was going to fuck up. He was so irresponsible it was almost impossible for him to get anything done right. He was probably as confusing to himself as he was to me.
I followed him through the mass determined not to lose him using the fact that he couldn't rely on his speed in a club full of people.
When I figured where he was going, I allowed myself to turn my attention to getting myself to that destination before he does it before me.
I turned my path around going to the side letting him think that he lost me and then, just before the exit door of the club I got his hand making him stop.
Bruce jumped turning around to face me as his eyes widened in shock.
I didn't give him time to recover from his trans and turn the tables around. I pulled him out of the club and out of that street away from all those people.
He may be faster and stronger than me, but I learned quite a few things from him in the last couple of days and one of those was that the saying 'expect the unexpected' should be your best friend while dealing with him.
"I told you, you irresponsible fuck!" I yelled at him.
"First of all get your hands off me!" He yelled right back. "Second of all, it's not my fucking fault that two enemies suddenly became friends just so they could stop me!"
"Haven't you ever heard of the saying 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'?!" I yelled at him again.
"Don't play smart with me Denis." He told me regaining his self-control. "This was absolutely beyond my control."
"If you were smarter..." I started, but stopped as he ran down the street not even paying attention to me anymore.
"Hey!" I yelled after him instead and followed him.
He wasn't running to run away from me. It was more like he was just hurrying somewhere which was understandable I guess.
"I don't have time for this right now, Denis. I need to..."
"You need to what? What Ben? Try and kill us all? Again?!" I yelled running after him across a giant parking lot. "Maybe you should just let the original crew get back on the ship..."
"No, you don't get it." He finally stopped and I bumped into him. "Danny doesn't want any of us good. He's just gonna use you all to get rid of anyone who stands in his way to get to The Black."
"You mean the same thing you're doing?" I questioned him.
"For fuck's sake!" He finally let himself yell in frustration. "Do you really think I'm just like him?!"
"Looks like it." I crossed my arms.
"I'm trying to protect you all, you idiot!" He yelled pushing me into one of the cars behind us. "You especially!"
"Why? Hmm, why Ben?" I demanded. "You're not acting like it and why should I even believe you, you're constantly telling me not to trust you anyways! Why would you even care? You're just messing with..."
But I didn't get to finish as he shut me up. His hand reached out towards me and as he took a step forward he crashed his lips to mine.
I froze for a second as my thoughts ate up each other leaving my mind blank, but then every bit of rage I felt towards him turned into hunger and I kissed him back without any hesitations.
Warmth streamed through me like a spark that followed a line of dynamite in powder and I reached out to his neck trying to pull him closer as I finally let my craving for him get the best of me. It was like my body was suddenly a burning forest and he was the only thing that could put out the fire, yet he acted like the wind - only spreading the flames and making it even worse.
Nothing made sense to me right now, but I didn't care. I couldn't care. My mind was empty focusing only on Ben. His lips were soft, but unlike the other night, it wasn't just a simple kiss he gave me. His lips moved against mine confidently driven by lust, anger and every possible form of frustration. My skin burned under his touch as his hands fell down to my hips gripping them roughly.
"I swear, I'm gonna kill you one day." I breathed out when we took a break to get some air.
"Right back at you idiot." He said and then his lips were back on mine. "I might fuck you before that tho." He bit on my lip rather hard making me gasp then slid his tongue across the spot before slipping it into my mouth.
He kissed me passionately, but precisely making me almost moan as my stomach did twists. It was like a swarm of butterflies danced in the pit of my stomach making my whole body weak.
I felt his hand slide down to my crotch.
"Fuck, what are you doing?" I whispered breathlessly when he moved away a bit.
"Oh, don't act like you don't want it." He smirked gripping onto me through my jeans tighter making my breath get caught up in my lungs as I let out a whimper before I glared back at his wicked blue eyes.
"Fuck..." I breathed out as my brain began to process what was happening. "Move... away."
"Move me away." Ben looked at me innocently but rose his eyebrows at me in pure challenge.
I didn't want him to move, I wanted him to continue. He was making me feel things I've never felt before and although it was strange, I wanted more. I wanted so much more...
Our little moment was ruined though as a small arrow hit the window of the car onto which we were leaning making the alarm go off.
Ben jumped away from me turning around and as I saw his eyes widen in shock when they laid on a man that stood on the beginning of the parking lot straight across us, I knew right away that there was a great chance that one of the dangers I was talking about earlier just found us.
The man who looked at us was tall and completely dressed in black. His black hair was freely falling down onto his back in quite messy waves. He held a small crossbow in his hands and he held his shoulders up confidently as he smiled at us - or more precisely - Ben.
"Good to see you again, Benjamin, my dearest student." The man smiled wider.
"Shit." Was all Ben said before his eyes flickered to me. "When I tell you to get down, you get down." He told me barely even moving his lips and I just nodded too stunned to do anything else.
Ben's eyes were locked with the mysterious guy that approached us and I could see him slowly sliding into that killer calm mood of his while I just stood there in utter state of shock not knowing what to do.
"How did you find me?" Ben asked the man in front of us his eyes locked to the crossbow he was holding.
The black haired man smiled wider. "You know, you may have learned from the best, but you still aren't that good." The strangers voice was smooth but it held so much hidden aggression that my instincts were screaming at me to run even though I didn't even know who he was.
"I think your men would disagree considering the last time I saw you I sank your ship and nearly killed its whole crew including you." Ben said almost contently.
"Danny told me you turned into a quite reckless little fucker." The man took small steps towards us and I just intensely eyed Ben waiting for his sign.
Whatever was about to happen won't be pretty and I already felt the adrenaline streaming through my veins.
"He always thought I was reckless just because I was relentless." Ben sighed dramatically, and I couldn't understand from where he got the courage. "And I'm also pretty sure I was always smarter than all of you together." It was unbelievable how he held himself - almost like he didn't care. Like there was absolutely nothing that the man in front of us could do to hurt him even though he had a crossbow pointed at him. 
"Not that smart." The mysterious man clicked his tongue. "If you were, you wouldn't have left Danny in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. You'd know I'd find him and you'd know we'd figure you out."
"I thought you retired..." Ben aloud himself a bit of disbelief. "I thought you weren't able to..."
"Walk anymore?" The man chuckled. "Does it look like it?"
Ben stayed quiet and I could see how he eyed the weapon the man was holding.
I saw the man smile again before he pulled the trigger letting the arrow from his crossbow fly.
I was ready to scream, but Ben was faster.
"Get down!" His shout echoed through my ears in triple harmony and although my mind was in too big of a trans to detect his words my instincts worked on their own as I dropped to the ground on the sound of his voice.
Ben dodged the arrow with just one simple but swift step to the side and instead of his shoulder the arrow hit the car.
"You're underestimating me, Jake." Ben smiled at our attacker. "You always had, and that's always been your biggest mistake."
The man in front of us - Jake - raised his crossbow towards us taking out a new arrow out of the inner side of his jacket, but before he could even prepare it for another shot, Ben's eyes flickered to me. There was a spark of something wicked in them as a clear smile shone on his face when he gripped the arrow that stuck out of the door of the car behind us and stuck the sharp end through the widow of the car making the glass shatter in a thousand pieces.
He opened the door from the inside hopping into the car before he opened the back door in the same way.
"Get in!" He ordered me and I listened.
I closed the door behind me as Ben broke the arrow in half and stuck the wooden part where the key should've been.
Surprisingly the engine started working right away and I flew to the side as the car started moving backwards.
Then I flew to the other side as Ben moved us out of the parking spot and headed straight down across the parking lot driving full speed.
I sat up tightly gripping onto the front seats while Ben drove the car like we were streaming down the freeway only 10 times more sloppier as we roamed down the parking lot like maniacs.
"Who was that?" I asked flinching as I saw arrows connecting with the windows of the car.
"Jake." Ben answered me simply.
"Yeah no shit, I kinda figured that on my own." I snapped. "Why is he chasing us?"
"First, he's chasing me. And he's a pirate. Their Captain to be precise." Ben said turning the wheel as we sharply streamed onto the open road and my body flew to the side again.
"Captain of the pirates?" I squeaked. "Ben what are you getting us all into..." I wanted to say something more, but he sharply turned the wheel again making me roll off of the back seats down onto the spot where my feet should've been. "Fuck, do you even know how to drive?" I picked instead.
"No, but I've seen enough video games to know how this works." He said.
"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled getting up looking towards the road as he drove straight onto the bridge that went over the ocean and towards the port.
"I got this." He said. "You stay down and try not to get shot."
"What do you mean shot?!" I yelled again, but before I could get an answer from the crazy blond guy I may or may not had a crush on, I saw Jake riding a motorcycle beside us with his gun out.
I immediately dropped back down to the floor. "If we survive this, I'm gonna kill you in three different ways!" I threatened as I heard the cracking sound of bullets connecting with the car.
"Here..." Ben tossed me his phone. "Call James and tell him to start the ship then activate the lockdown in exactly three minutes."
"You have a phone?" I looked at the iPhone he tossed me in disbelief. "I thought passengers weren't aloud to..."
"I'm not a passenger." He cut me off. "I never was. Now call James. Hurry."
"Okay." I said and unlocked the screen happy to see that James was in his emergency contacts.
"Took you long enough!" James yelled into my ear. "Are you even aware that a pirate ship is right next to ours!"
"Yeah, I pretty much am." I said not even bothering to explain why it was my voice that answered him. "Ben says you have to start the ship and activate the lockdown in exactly three minutes. There's this Jake guy chasing us."
There was a few moments of silence as my voice probably took him off guard, but then I could hear him yell something to Sam in the background before he returned to me. "Okay. Tell Ben it's done." He told me then hung up.
"He said it's done." I said.
"Okay." Ben threw me a glance before he slammed on the breaks making the car drift in a half circle across the road before it stopped. "Now hold on tight because we're about to lose this fucker."
"You couldn't have warned me before!" I complained pretty sure my ribs were already bruising from the amount of times I hit something due to his amazing driving skills.
"Stop bitching, I'm trying not to get us killed!" He yelled turning the car then hitting gas as we streamed back down the road in the wrong direction.
"I think you're gonna get us killed anyways!" I yelled jumping over to the front seat next to him.
I swallowed thickly as I saw all the cars stopping and trying to move out of our way on time as Ben didn't even bother to slow down.
"On three we jump out." He said calmly and my head snapped to him. "One!"
"What?!" I looked at him like he was crazy. He probably was.
"Ben, I'm not jumping out of the fuck..."
"Three!" But as always in cases with him, I lost and when he pushed his door open I did the same jumping out.
I clenched my jaw when my hip connected with the ground and I rolled across the road to the sideway as the car slid further down crashing with a few other cars making a huge jam across the road bridge.
I looked up at the mess we just made in the middle of the bridge like I was one of the guys from Fast And Furious. Shit just got real.
My brain was still processing the chaos around me when Ben ran up to me pulling me up to my feet and then breaking into a run.
"You can run, but you can't hide Benjamin!" I recognized Jake's yelling voice behind us as Ben gripped my hand tightly making me run faster.
"Don't look back." He told me. "Just run, we're almost there."
We jumped over the crashed cars and ran down off of the bridge towards the port.
When The Labyrinth Cruise fell in our view it was already heading backwards and was few feet away from the shore.
"What are we gonna do now?" I asked Ben almost panicked looking at the distance between the land and the deck of the ship.
"Now... we jump." Ben told me.
"What? Are you crazy?!" I yelled.
"I think you should know the answer to that already." He yelled back not giving me the time to stop us both from jumping as we ran straight towards the ocean and jumped from the edge of the land.
We landed right onto the wooden deck of the ship rolling down it practically over each other with our ending position of me laying on my back and Ben on top of me.
I was breathing heavily and I felt like I was absolutely out of my mind. There was no way that all of that just happened!
When I opened my eyes I met Ben's blue ones brightly shining down at mine with excitement.
"That was fun, wasn't it?" He smiled down at me and I pushed him off of me.
"You're psycho." I told him.
"Probably." He chuckled.
He was actually enjoying this and I was just in a state of utter shock not knowing how should I even react to everything that just went down.
"Lockdown in 30 seconds." A robotic female voice announced.
"Come on." Ben said and as stupid as I was I followed him again as we ran to the Captains cabin.
The lockdown was complete just in time when we entered the cabin and Ben went over to the rudder spinning it swiftly.
I watched him as he smiled at the endless sea before us once we exited the port holding onto the huge wooden rudder. The wind blew into his wild blond hair through the small open widow before us letting me catch a glance of his flawless face and just then I realized that this was where he actually belonged.
He was the rightful Captain of this ship and after what I just witnessed out there in the city, I can safely say that he knew what he was doing - well not really, but at least he knew how to take care of himself.
I also knew he was going to be the death of me. Well not literally - okay, probably literally too, but... I remembered the feeling of his lips on mine... If that was the cost, it just might be worth it.

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