Chapter 18

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A/N: Soo I did a bit of a different structure of the text this time leaving a bit of space between the lines. If you like it better like this tell me so I'll continue writing like this, I just kinda feel like it might be easier to read like this... Anyways new chapter, enjoy!


"Ten minutes and we arrive at the port." Sam's voice came from the speaker as he spoke to us from the Captains cabin.

Ben and I stood each on our own end of the huge table in the main kitchen with 25 passengers behind us not counting my crew that consisted of Austin, Andy, Lzzy, Alan and Taylor nor Ben's that consisted of James, Jenna and Juliet - Sam too but he was currently at the rudder.

"We are currently here." Ben pointed on the map we had spread across the table with a stick. "And we have to get to the actual city as the port is not really a part of it.

The 4 days that took as to get from middle Atlantic to Caracas mainly went by in planing, convincing and making out when it came to Ben and I alone.

Our little sneaking around plan was going pretty great especially since I now knew the way to his secret room.

Anyways, back to the operation 'Empty the Mall'. Currently Ben and I were reestablishing the plan to the passengers that were about to leave for the city with us.

We can't take all of us with us because there's like 350 of us and the part where we're actually gonna need the mass is when we come back with the stuff. If - if we come back.

Caracas was a wiled city, Ben had told me, which meant that a group of people sneaking around the city at nighttime like a gang won't draw too much attention. The possible problems were if we ran into an actual gang or if the cops spot us. That's why we had to be fast.

Very fast.

"And we're gonna get to the city by breaking into a 'rent a car' company and borrowing a van or two." Ben smiled at the deeply unsatisfied crowd.

Even the ones on his side seemed unsure. Can you really blame them though, I was uneasy about all of this and I trusted Ben - not entirely, but mostly. The passengers were convinced this was all his fault for departing Danny. They thought that this was just a product of his selfishness while in reality it was so much more.

"Everyone know their duties?" I asked and got nothing, but silence and a couple nods.

I took that as a yes as I reached my hand out to Ben over the table. "As I an recall out main rule is to work together unless there's police involved."

Ben smirked at me. It was barely noticeable, but I noticed it in his eyes as he shook my hand.

"Yes partner." He spoke and although it probably sounded sarcastic to the crowd around us, to me it just sounded intriguing.

Even though we spent a lot of time together lately he still managed to intimidate me when he wanted to, only now it was an accepted turn on for me and he knew it. Like always, he knew exactly what he was doing to me as he bit on his bottom lip staring me down into my soul.

I pulled my hand away trying not to lose my breath as I turned to the crowd ripping my gaze away from Ben's self-content grin.

"Alright." I said to the crowd just to hear my own voice and distract myself from Ben and what his simple gestures made me think of. "Lets go."

Lzzy handed me a wooden bat as Juliet handed Ben his own and we walked out on deck with the two of us onward.

I looked at the blondie who somehow became so important to me as the land before us along with the sleeping city came closer and closer with each passing second before the ship finally turned to the side stopping closely beside the road of the port.

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