Chapter 9

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Harley's Pov-
After she crawled away due to Deadshot and Joker, I told them to stop, but soon enough I saw her having a panic attack, I turned my full attention back to Y/N after telling the others about her attacks but it was too late, her breathing was already too sped , I watched as the life quickly escaped her body and her body fell limp into my arms.
"Deadshot?" I smiled sadly trying to get Y/N up but with no success.
"Uh, right" he said kneeling down next to me and picking her up shooting me a quick smile which I kindly shot back.
He picked her up as she was a very easy breakable vase, he caressed her face and moved a strand of hair behind her ear, what a gentleman.

I looked over J to see how he was coping with this all, he looked confused but mostly just angry, I don't know the reason why though, Y/N is fine. 'She just exaggerated as always, she would never get raped, who would want that'... I shrugged the words out of my mind, I got up as deadshot took Y/N upstairs and shook J's arm. He wasn't himself and he looked stressed and I know just the way to mark him as mine and release some of that accumulated stress.

"This isn't your fault Mistah J" I said sweetly "there was nothing you could do to prevent this from happening" I finished , he looked at me with his blue eyes piercing into my blue ones, but his weren't their usual color, they were darker, an almost Grey, filled with lust, he roughly grabbed my face and kissed me hungrily.
"ERM, we'll uh... Leave you two" Pamela and Selina said before leaving, I blushed and waved goodbye before continuing our hot makeout session, in the bedroom.
When we finally released I went downstairs and sat myself on the couch watching a lame TV show.

Joker's POV-
I couldn't stop the feeling I was having, Y/N , she was scared of me , that made me feel scared of myself.
I had her on my mind all the time I just couldn't shake her away, no matter how hard I tried she still came back and that terrified me, I was having feeling for her .
The only solution was to have sex with Harley, but still all I could think about was Y/N, her beautiful hair all messed up, her mouth opened as she moaned my name out in pleasure, I looked at Harley and all I could think about was Y/N , I had to have her, I was going crazy! And look at me i'm already crazy! I'm the Joker! A killer clown with no feelings or attachments and yet, she crawled under my skin and won't get out.
When I finished my business Harley went downstairs and i went to Y/N room, where Deadshot still stood.

Y/N was crying Into Deadshot's chest and his hands were softly rubbing her back.
"Y/N" I said sternly causing them both to look at me, her sweet Y/E/C eyes changed in a split second from sad to angry and she threw the bedside table lamp at me , I ducked under it and growled.
"Get the hell away from me!" She hissed and I laughed.
My lamp scattered all over the floor made me loose it and I growled louder causing her to let out a small squeal before fear took over her face and her hand grabbing Deadshots arm.

Y/N pov-
I saw Joker coming closer to me and I intently grabbed Floyd's arm hidding myself in him.
"Come on Man! You knew she would hear you fucking Harley! Your room is right besides this one! Why you mad at her for throwing that ugly ass lamp?! You fucking deserved it!" Floyd said in a calm tone which made me calm aswell.
"Stay out of this scumbag" joker growls back at him. "It's not like she would go with you!" He points out... 'Would I?' I thought.
"Would you , princess" Joker states sweetly...
I stare at the two males in front of me...
"Floyd?" I ask.
"If you want to , you can but I need to warn you that I have a daughter" he tells me after tucking a strand of hair behind my ear which makes me shyly smile.
"I don't mind, I love kids" I smile genuinely as he returns the gesture.
"Great! Pack you bags, you're leaving this shithole" he says excitedly , I hug him tightly and whisper a small thank you into his ear causing him to smile into my neck.

I slowly let go and he gives me a slight push in a way of saying 'let's go' , I get out of the bed and look towards Joker who is by now fuming with anger.

"You will regret this doll face, you'll return to me and when you do" he laughs "I will punish you" he states before storming out of the room slamming the door on the way out causing a shaky tear to fall down my face.

I then back to Floyd and sigh deeply "i'm done" Isay and he looks at me weirdly. Just then I remembered passing out still on my towell, I look down at my body and see i'm dressed in a shirt with joggers, I feel inside and I touch a bra and panties a sigh of relief is let out but soon replaced with confusion.
Harley and Joker were having sex so they didn't dress me.
Maybe poison Ivy and Catwoman?
Or Floyd?!

"Uhm..wh-who dressed me?" I ask biting my lip waiting for an answer.
"I did" he said and my eyes widen.
"Don't worry Y/N I didn't see anything, I dressed you with the towel on and then after putting the whole clothing on you i took the towel off." He explained and I nodded.
"Oh, thanks Floyd" I smile and he nodded smiling back.
"Your welcome" he says.
We walk down the stairs side by side nothing with us, only my phone, when we get to the bottom we see a very shaky and red Harley, with puffy red eyes with tear stains in them , she's sobbing and her breathing isn't steady.
"P-please d-dont go!" I'll d-do b-better! P-please Y/N don't l-leave m-me" she begs in between sobs making me feel even worse than before.
"I have to Harls!" I say grabbing her face "I need Space and, you ad Joker need your privacy" I state sadly , I was loosing my best friend to an psychotic killer clown! I kiss her forehead and we hug after.
"Step away from Harley and leave our house" I hear him Growl, that asshole .
I look at him blankly, no emotion whatsoever on my face.

"Goodbye Harley" I saw letting go of her hand, I start walking towards the front door but stop when Harley's voice becomes audible again.
"Y/N?" She says sniffing as Joker growls impatiently but still I turn around .
"I will always be your Harleen right?" She asks sweetly smiling , I return the gesture and wipe myself a few tears that have fallen .
"Yes Harls, you'll always be my Harleen, and I will always be your cupcake" I say making us both laugh sadly before I turn around once more and leave the house.

Floyd was sitting in his car on his phone when out but as soon as. Entered the car he put his phone down and looks at me .
"How'd it go with craziness?" He asks curiously.
"Emotional, we both shed some tears, Joker of course ruined the moment and kicked me out of his "property" " I say making the "" and shrugging.
Floyd buckles up his seatbelt and i do the same , I look at him and smile.
"I'm tryna change you know?  for my kid, I wanna be a better parent, I love her" he states making me smile.
"That's sweet" I confess and he smiles driving off to his house.

~~~~~authors notes~~~
Word count- 1364
Heyo! I updated! I hope you like this new chapter and i'm currently writing 4 books so if maybe you could check them out it would be GAREAT! 😂💕
Sorry bad joke.....
All love 💕 ,

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