Day One (Part 2)

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"Mitchy?" I hear a high voice say through the door.

"It's open!" I yell from inside my dorm room, throwing the last of my stuff into the bulky suitcase. I hear the doorknob rattle and the door squeaks open. I see Kirstin, my best friend in the entire world, emerge from the barely lit hallway.

"Are you done packing?" She asks, walking towards me with a pair of sunglasses placed on top of her head, "We have to leave here at a quarter to eight."

"Yeah yeah, I'm just adding last-minute knick-knacks like my toothbrush and stuff," I reply, sighing as I try to zip up the overfull baggage, "I'm almost done."

"Do you need any help?" she offers, kneeling down next to me.

"Nope, I'm good." I say, giving her a small smile.

"Alright!" she says, hopping up and clapping her hands together.

I giggle, "Looks like someone's excited."

"Why wouldn't I be? Fourteen days at sea with my best friend, what's better than that?!" she jumps up and down, a huge smile on her face.

I roll my eyes and grin, I didn't think someone could be this energetic at 7am on a Saturday morning.

I can't believe we got such a good deal with this trip. Our school, University of Southern California, gave every student taking the marine biology course a 35% discount. Even though doesn't seem like much, it made a huge impact. We'll probably see many people from USC, which has its pro's and con's...

After about ten more minutes I finish getting ready and packing the last of my bags. I lock my room and hand a spare key to the counselor, Ms. Fritz.

"You guys have fun!" Ms. Fritz says, looking up through her glasses.

"Thanks!" Kirstin and I say at the same time. We look at each other and laugh.

We get outside and make our way to my car. I grab her suitcase and put it in the trunk of my small, dark blue Chevy. All of our luggage barely fits in the car, but we manage.

"Why did you need to bring so much stuff?" she asks me, looking at the fact my stuff took up 70% of the trunks space.

"We're staying for fourteen days, so fourteen outfits," I tell her, shrugging my shoulders. She raises an eyebrow at me. "And that doesn't even include the nice looking stuff!"

"Why would you need 'nice' looking clothes? You could wear an oversized shirt and everyone would still be drooling over you."

"For those fancy-ass restaurants that they have. And thank you, by the way," I smile at her, "I love you a lot, Kit. Maybe even more than those cute boys in that one magazine." I wink and slide into the drivers seat of the car.

She wipes away fake tears, "That's a huge compliment coming from you." she says jokingly. I laugh at her and start the car.

I don't think she's even human.

She's so kind and sweet, and has one of the best personalities I know. She's always so positive and happy, no one could ever hate her. Not to mention she's absolutely stunning. She has gorgeous eyes that change color depending on the lighting, one minute they're a greenish blue, the next they're a dark brown; It's fascinating. She has shoulder length, blonde hair that is always curled perfectly. Her skin tone is a gorgeous light tan that glows in the sun. And then her smile, oh god her smile is amazing. It could light up a room with no windows. If I wasn't gay, I would fall for her, because who wouldn't?

I start driving to the port. It takes a good 30 minutes, but we eventually get there. The scenery is beautiful. Palm trees, crystal blue ocean water, and cruise ships lining across the area.

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