Chapter 2:Finally I Found True Love

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   Everest quietly followed Marshall into the lookout.Marshall laid down on a pillow near the door,not the T.v.She was confused.'Why did he lie to everyone',she thought to herself.Marshall looked very upset and struggled to walk.Ryder walked in to where Marshall was and asked him,"What's the matter buddy"."I think I broke my paw",he said."Oh,do you want me to call Katie to come and check it out for you", Ryder asked."No,I will just wrap it up myself"."Ok",said Ryder.Everest walked in to the room as Ryder left and sat down next Marshall.Je looked at her and said,"oh,hi Everest"."Hi Marshall.Is your paw Ok",she asked him."Yeah",he said."It was embarrassing falling in front of you",he said."Why",Everest asked."Um...Well...i like you",he said very quietly."Huh",she said,"I can't hear you"."I like you",he said a lot louder,now blushing."Oh,well...", Everest started to blush,"I like you,too",she said,putting her paw on his back,still blushing."Y-you d-do",he asked."Yeah",she said,"I do"."Well...Do you um...Want to go out", Marshall asked, blushing feriously.(little did they know that Ryder and the pups were all watching because they were gonna go check on them but then got side tracked)."Yeah",said Everest,"I would really enjoy that"."Oh,thank goodness because I thought that you were gonna say no and then I was gonna be embar-".He was cut off by a warm and gentle kiss on the lips by Everest and he accepted it and kissed her back harder,then she kissed him harder and they kept repeating it until the kiss became so intense that they both started to moan.Ryder and the rest of the pups just sat there watching them moan louder and louder until...Marshall stopped and said,"Should we be doing this"."Yeah why not"."What if we get caught"."We're not gonna get caught, and if we do...So what we are expressing our love for each other"."Ok",said Marshall.Just then Everest laid down on her back and started kissing him over again starting to moan louder and louder.Everest grabbed hold of Marshall's collar and before he could say anything she pulled it down sending his whole body on top of her and he noticed that his part was in Everest's part,and by noticing this he blushed super hard because of how tight and warm she was.He also noticed that she yelped In pain and he said,"Sorry,I didn't mean to"."Hey it's OK it was just that I am a virgin sooo...i would have expected it to hurt when you first putted it in,sorry"."OK ,let's finish,but I will start out slow and then when you are ready for me to go faster let me know,OK"."Alright".Marshall started going in,out,in,out,in,out,like the usual.(Reminder:the pups and Ryder are still there).Everest started to feel it and started moan really loud and then said,"FASTER, PLEASE"."OK",said Marshall."Mmmmmm",moaned Everest."Your really enjoying this,huh"."Y-yes",she said moaning,"Why didn't you tell me that you were soooo big"."And why d-didn't you tell me that you were so t-tight",Marshall said starting to moan."I see that you are starting to find your mmmmmm...Good spot(chuckle)",she said."I guess so",Marshall said.
                       TO BE CONTINUED..........

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