Chapter 1:Marshall's Confession

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It was a beautiful day in Adventure Bay. The pups were all playing ball.Except for Marshall.He was still 'sleeping'.Chase noticed that Marshall was not there yet,and he usually was."Im going to check Marshall",Chase said."OK",said all of the other pups in usion.
Chase knocked on Marshall's door."Hey,Marshall do you want to play ball with us?"No answer.Chase knocked again."MARSHALL!!",he yelled.Marshall got up and answered the door."What",he said.Chase looked confused."You were awake this whole time",he asked."Yeah",said Marshall plainly."Oh,are you ok",he asked him."I guess",said Marshall.Chase looked at him."No,you are not",he said very concerned."Fine",Marshall said with his ears droopy and now looking at the ground,"I don't want to be near Everest right now",he said."Why",Chase asked."Because...Um...",Marshall said looking very nervous."Because what",asked Chase."Promise that you won't tell anyone",said Marshall."Brothers promise",said Chase."I...Well... ILIKEHER",he said very fast.
Chase looked very surprised."You like Everest",asked Chase."Yes",said Marshall very nervous."That's Great!!",Chase shouted.Marshall's face instantly turned red as Chase said that."Sssshhhhh", Marshall said."Why",Chase asked."You just yelled it",he said."Sorry Marshall.Anyway,I came over to see if you wanted to play ball with us",Chase said."I know",Marshall said."Now try not to get gushy around her",said Chase."Wait,how do you know that happens to me",asked Marshall."Because it happens to every boy, I mean it happened to me before me and Skye started to go out",said Chase."OK, let's go",Marshall said now blushing.
Finally, Chase and Marshall arrived at the yard to play ball.Marshall saw Everest playing ball with the others and he started to day dream.Chase noticed and ran over and shook him before anyone noticed."Huh",Marshall said."You started to day dream",said Chase."Oh",he said,"thanks Chase."No probs",he said,"Sooo...Do you want to join"."Sure",he said as he started to get up.Everest saw Marshall and said,"Hey Marshall do you want to be on my team?""Sure",he said.Marshall walked over to Everest and said,"Let's go"."OK",said Skye who was on the other team with Chase, Rocky,Zuma,and Tracker.The teams were uneven bit Everest and Rubble were doing good on thier own."5,4,3,2,1,let the game begin",Chase said as he threw the ball in the air.Skye hit it and passed it to Everest who passed it to Marshall,who,of course,missed and hit the ground really hard."Marshall!!",yelled everypup as they ran towards him to see if he was ok .At this point,Marshall felt sooooo embarrassed as he fell in front of his crush and now felt like he broke his paw.He tried not to yelp as he hit the ground."Are you ok",asked Everest."Yeah Marshall",said lying to her"You want to take a break",asked Rocky."Yeah",said Marshall."Ok,do you need any help",asked Rubble and Tracker."Nah,Im good it's not like anything hurts", Marshall said."You sure",asked Skye."Yeah,thanks Skye",he said."Ok,we are going back to the game",said Rocky."Yeah,if you need anything,just let us know",continued Chase."Ok,but Im going back to the lookout to watch h Apallo",he said limping towards the lookout."Ok",said all the other pups except for Everest.She liked Marshall so much he was so much and he was so funny and adorable,but,she didn't know how to tell him.She knew something was wrong with him because he struggled a lot to get up and to walk over to the lookout."Im going with Marshall",said Everest."Ok",said all the other pups together."I'll go on Rubbles team for now",said Rocky."Ok",said Everest,"Thanks"."No problem",said Rocky.

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