Chapter 3:

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   "Are you sure that you you are ok?",Everest asked very nervous seeing the worry in Marshall's eyes grow wider."Fine,im scared,ok",Marshall said forming tears in his eyes."Wait,why?" "Because I always mess up and I don't want to mess up at being a father too"."Oh,Marshall that's not gonna happen because if you mess up I will be there for you and if you don't think that you can do it,then I will help you all the way through until you feel more confident that you can be the father I know that you can be.No matter how many times you mess up.",Everest said with a sweet,loving smile."Ok,thank you Everest",Marshall said."You welcome now let's go eat some lunch".The pups saw that they were coming and they ran into the field to act like they were playing ball the whole time."Hey pups",Marshall said,"When is lunch?" "It should be anytime now",Chase said trying not to squeal at the sight he and the pups saw of Marshall and Everest.All the pup wanted to squeal because they were sooooooo adorable together."Ok,thanx pups,"Marshall said.Marshall saw Ryder who was acting like he was upgrading the Air Patroller the whole time.Marshall grabbed Everest's arm and pulled her over to Ryder.Marshall said,"Ryder,when is breakfast?"
                   To Be Continued.............

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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