Chapter 3:The Conversation

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   Marshall reached his max and came all over Everest.This made Me worry.Everest noticed and said,"What's wrong?""I just came in you"."So?",she said."That means that you could be pregnant now"."Well do you want to be a dad?"Yeah",he said."I   am going to be so excited!"Marshall was confused."Why?"We are going to be parents!"Yeah I know"he said.Everest saw the worry in Marshall's eyes."You ok",she asked."Yeah".

   TO BE CONTINUED...............

Sorry about the short chapter but I was very busy but I will continue the story special.Please vote.Here is one of MY videos that I made on YouTube.My channels are Marshall & Everest,Chase & Skye,Zuma The Coolest,and Sierra Ames.This video is on my channel Marshall & Everest.Thank you for watching and reading.

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