Chapter 1

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I roll over to feel the left side of the bed is cold. Obviously Servando is awake, like always. I go downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. I find Servando making pancakes. That's odd. I thought. He usually doesn't wake up to make breakfast. "Hey! Good morning lex!" He says. "Good morning." I say groggily while rubbing my eyes trying to wake up. "Are you sick again?" He asks. "Yeah. It sucks!" I answer back. "This has been happening for a week. Are you gonna be ok for the World Cup? It's in 5 months." He asks. "Yeah I'm fine and I think I'll be fine for the World Cup." I reply back. He finishes making breakfast and we eat.
After breakfast I remember I haven't had my period for the month yet! It's already January 29, 2019 so it should've happened by now!
Alex has been waking up with morning sickness for a week and I'm really worried about her. The World Cup 2019 is in 5 months and that is really nerve-racking, especially because in 2015 they were champions. She's also been really tired lately and she's been off her game. She keeps missing her shots on goal. I keep trying to tell her to take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor or something but she just won't seem to listen. She's so stubborn!

**Do you guys like my USWNT fanfic? I'll delete it if no one likes it! I just wrote the first chapter to try this story out and get some feedback! Please tell me what you think!**

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