Chapter 5

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4 months later
"Servando wake up!" I whisper in his ear. "Why are up so early? It's 1:15 in the morning!" He says back. "My water just broke!" I reply. His eyes widen with fear and excitement. "Stop acting like you just saw a ghost and take me to the hospital!" I yelled. He helped me out to the car and he speeded as fast as he could.
**2 hours later**
The baby made an appearance on Tobin's birthday! She is so precious and sweet! We named her Calista Jules after my 8 year old cousin who died of cancer. Some people already came to see us like Heather, Lauren, and Kelley. Tobin was excited because she shares a birthday with Calista so she came to see us too! "I see mini Alex Morgan decided to make an appearance on my birthday!" She said. "I was hoping she would be born before or after your birthday tobs!" I say back laughing. "What's her name?" Tobin asked. "Calista Jules." I say back. "She's so cute! Now I want one!" Tobin whined. Abby showed up about 5 minutes later. "Hey stallion! Where's baby horse?" She said. "Right here." Tobin says. "What's her name?" Abby asked. "Calista Jules." I tell her. "Why'd you name her that?" Abby asked again. "I had an 8 year old cousin named Calista Jules that died a few months ago and Calista means fighter, champion, and fierce." I told her. "Sounds just like you stallion!" Abby said. "Can I hold her?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. "Here you go Abby!" Tobin said. "Where's syd?" I ask. "She's coming later with Dom and Cassius." Kelley said.
**My 10 year old sister has a friend named Calista Jules on her soccer team so I used her name because I love her name!**

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