Chapter 4

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Today I go find out the gender of my baby! I've never been more excited! The one thing Abby and Tobin will say is "mini Alex Morgan" but it's fine with me! *2 hours later*
My baby is a going to be a girl! I think I'm going to call Tobin because I want Tobin to know first.

Tobin and Alex's Phone Call
A: Hey I found out the gender!
T: Is it a mini Alex Morgan?
A: Yeah!
T: Lucky number 13!
A: Yeah ok I get it!
T: Sorry!
A: It's fine I'm just kidding!
T: Hey when the baby is born are you gonna take her to a World Cup game?
A: Yeah probably.
T: I hate that you have to sit in the stands.
A: Jill might let me watch from the sidelines.
T: Yeah maybe! Bye!
A: Bye!
I think I've been Alex's biggest supporter through this journey even though it's been 5 months. I'm proud of her for being a fighter and the strong girl I know she is. I'm also happy that there's a mini Alex Morgan in the future!
**Sorry this is such a short chapter I didn't know what to write for this chapter**

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