Chapter I- Boyfriends and College Plans

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My name's Y/N. I'm 18. I was your every kind of girl. In this story, I was in my senior year of high school with graduation only a few months away, and excited for (yet dreaded) for my trip to California right after. The only reason I was going was to talk to the admission representatives at Stanford University. My mother spoke much about wanting me to attend only that university, believing that it would be the best choice for me. Of course I had to cope with my mother's decision, seeing as she wouldn't pay for any other school besides Stanford. But the only thing I wanted at that moment was somebody to love. I longed for a boyfriend for quite a while, the thought never crossed my mind till last month when my best friend Nancy got a boyfriend and they looked so happy together. I told about my mother letting me have a boyfriend and this is how it went down.

"Mom, can I ask you something?

"Yeah, what's on your mind?

"Well...last month Y/F/N got a boyfriend and they look so happy when they're together, it's so cute."

"Uh-huh. And what does that have to do with anything?" She said in a stern voice.

"Well I was wondering if I could date someone...if you'd let me."

She looked at me and laughed.

"You're joking right?"

"No, I'm serious! I want to be in a relationship since I feel old enough now."

That didn't seem to break the ice. I felt like I already knew what she was going to say but I thought that it wouldn't hurt to try. So I looked down on the ground waiting for her response, already knowing what she was going to say.

"No! I don't want you being distracted with anything, especially at this time of the school year! And the only thing I want you to focus on is getting admitted into Stanford! That's the only reason I'm taking you to California and nothing more!"

I sighed and turned around to leave the room, swearing in a whisper. I went and locked myself in my room, popping in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix into my DVD player. It was my only escape. I sat on my bed and watched comfortably throughout the whole movie, mostly because I wanted to see my favorite Fred and George scene. Every time they came up on the screen, I mostly focused on one certain twin. I was very much in love with Fred, but mostly James Phelps who was the actor who played him. I would see his face and my heart would skip a beat. I was in truly in love with him. But when I think about it, I would never ever in a million years have a chance to meet him, neither of them actually. I'm just a girl from (your hometown) who's not as exciting as they are. What would they want to do with a girl like me? I'm nothing special.

A few weeks passed and my mom, my step-dad, my brother and I were ready to head out to California. In a way I was excited but I was dreading have to talk to admission reps from Stanford, the college I did not want to go to! But what could I do? Tell her that I wanted to go elsewhere? For her, it was Stanford or bust. Well whatever, the good thing is that I convinced her to let us visit Los Angeles after we finished at Stanford so I was looking forward to it a little more. We packed our suitcases two days before we left and I couldn't sleep at all. Finally Saturday came and we loaded the car with our entire luggage and drove to the airport. We went through security and bag check, waiting in the waiting room for about 30 minutes till our flight boarded. I called Y/F/N a few minutes before and told her that it was time.

"Bestie I'm nervous!"

"Don't be Y/N, I promise that you'll be great. They'll like you at Stanford." She said confidently.

"That's just the thing! I don't want to go to Stanford and that's what's making me really nervous! I'm trying to calm down a bit but I can't. I wish you were here so you could come rescue me from all this!"

"Come on, Stanford is only for a few hours. You'll be in L.A. for a few days you know. Enjoy it cause once you come back, you'll be stressed out by all the AP testing. Maybe you'll see someone famous, like the Phelps twins. You'd die at the sight of them"

I laughed.

"Ha maybe, crazier things have happened!"

I took a deep breath and realized she was right, Nancy was always right about everything.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks bff. I'll see you when I come back."

"See you in a week Y/N."

I hung up just in time and boarded the plane, getting a window seat, thank God. The plane took off minutes later and all I could think about was dreading this Stanford situation. I sighed and plugged in my head phones, not taking them off the whole flight and fell asleep. I didn't know what I would expect on this "vacation" but whatever it was, I hoped it would change my life and save me from the living hell I was going through.

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