Chapter Four-Wild Goose Chase

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Sorry for the late update. I don't own marvel, the avengers, tony stark etc. Stan Lee does and I just wanna say that I salute you and you're effin great. Me? I own myself and Jessie and the plot. Enjoy.

Chapter Four- Wild Goose Chase

"This was suppposed to be bubble bath time!" Jessie shouted in the air as she ran. She ran past the unfamiliar streets but even though, she needs to run. For the sake of her life and the bubble bath she wanted since she woke up. Technically, Jessie is having a wild goose chase. One, from the police that she doubt they'd even catch her. Second, the undergrounds. The undergrounds really irritated her and pushed her to the edge.

Jessie cursed under her breath and she was once again spotted by a spotlight coming from the helicopter. Great, now her face'll show up in the damn tv's. Well, its not literally hard for Jessie to escape them but with the pre-extremis still working in her anti-bodies? Jessie feels  like Jabba the Hut. Its a little harder to run and her breath always came to pants. Its like the whole 'training' she had, had never happened. 

Another round of curses came as she remembered what happened earlier with Kill fucking ian. After he proposed an offer, the antedote, kill Stark yadda, yadda he left her again. But this time with his fiery friends. They disposed her in the 'center of the city', she thought. First thing she saw was her face in the wide screen. Right then and there, she almost face-palmed. And obviously, the police saw her and even threatened to shoot her. 

'I wasn't that much of a threat, am I? C'mon! I'm just a seventeen year-old girl1!' Jessie chanted in her head as she keeps on battling the after effects of what bullshit Killian had injected her. 

Then after the threaneting, a gun shot was heard and soon people started panicking. She knew that gunshot. And she rolled her eyes heavenwards. So the undergrounders started coming out and the scene follows. Now, to the present.

"New York?!" Jessie hissed under her breath and she felt the weight in her eyes decreasing. Also she felt her legs and hands are not wobbly and slow anymore. She can actually perform a one hand stand now. Jessie also felt the familiar adreline rush flow in her body that should have come there earlier. Jessie almost fist-pumped to the air.

A wicked grin came out of Jessie as she passed the new York streets, gun shots, shouts from the megaphone, tires screeching tailing in her back. Now she can clearly see things. Still with the hospital gown on and her hair displaying almost everywhere, she entered an underground pass which filled of countless people. Immediately, they eyed Jessie with recognition at their faces. Obviously, they recognize her since her face flashes at the news every night.

Jessie didn't pay attention to questions and such, instead she just fought her way to the endless rails of the train. She knew it was a ridiculous idea but what the hell, she can almost hear them catching at her. She jumped at the rails and endded in a crouched position. The atmosphere went silent since it was a late hour at night and she choose the farthest spot from the entrance. She held her breath as she hears voice speaking different languages. The undegrounders, ofcourse.

"Encontrar a sus! Tontos!" A low pitched voice shouted in spanish and it was enough to be heard by Jessie since it echoed in the whole facility. Jessie remained emotionless as she feels the atmosphere. Her back was leaning against the wall and she shivered in coldth as some of it touched her skin. She focused more in what they were talking about but her eyeballs almost popped out of her skull. 

She heard a faint horn of the train and soon felt dozen vibrations coming from it. She closed her eyes tightly as she brainstorms to have a plan. The voices becoming louder and louder didn't helped either. Her eyes shot up and the horn got louder and louder. Soon, she can hear the clashing of metal against metal. She cursed under her breath as she pressed herself against the wall. And just by the clearlyness of those voices, thickened by French accent, she assumed that they were just above her spot. 

Jessie held her breath and waited until they were gonna move but they did not even made an effort to do so. In the corner of her eye, she saw the dot she was sure what it is.

The train.

Then it all happened so fast, the dot was becoming bigger and bigger and more voices and footsteps came towards her direction. Her brows drew to striaght line as she formulated a plan. It was not that effecient but atleast she had to try.

"For the bubble bath." She swore under her breath as she was almost blinded by the light coming from the train. The driver must've saw her as it horned countless times and that made Jessie cringed. She ran and just in time before she was squished, she dived in the little slot of the rails.

She almost shouted as she felt blood drew and some bones snap but she consentrated on how to make to hole bigger. She focused and closed her eyes then she glowed fiery red, melting anything beneath her and finally created a hole big enough for her not to be squished. 

And for the first time she worked for that monster, she whispered a little thanks with still her eyes closed and pressing herself more to the hole the extremis created.



"Ow, ow, ow!"

"Okay that wasn't so ba- OOW!"

New York doesn't sleep. Yes. But some of it sleeps. And that is where Jessie is. And she is not doing any good on keeping them snoring since she was tearing the whole street with hee screams.

Broken bones, trailing liters and liters on her back. Literally.

The she had to cure herself, like reheating food in the microwave. Then she had to focus first and then she'll became the cussing queen, just like now. But then, it do hurts like a bitch.

Finally, after half an hour of walking while screaming while curing, her back was spotless. Like in never happened. Jessie nodded to herself that she wont ever ever ever do that train scene again.  After she fixed herself in the hole and the whole train passed, she was lucky the undergrounders are gone.

And now, she was lurking in the shadows because a.) she had company, b.) it was the Shield, she cringes and c.) she had no undies on. Though she thinks the c is her priority right now. God, she could be raped.

Jessie laughed loudly at the thought. Oh, unless it was unclear she had ADHD and it was better than STD, not that she had any. See?

Plus the pre extremis effect is not doing any good either. Its attacking right now. Her feets becomes wobbly and her head spinning, and boom, she's Jessie the Hot, literally hot.

She's burning her only goddamn clothes!

"S-stop. Gaaa, mutha fckin-!"

Jessie lied on her back on the asphalt ground, her body still glowing and her eyes orange red. She was breathing hard and last thing she knew.

She saw Natasha Romanoff injected her with something, then she collapsed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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