Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

                The man slowly sat down in front of the woman, waiting for her to say something. She stayed silent. He cleared his throat and placed his hands on the table. “So,” he started, “what is your name?”

                “I don’t have a name…”

                The man chuckled. “Everyone has to have a name.”

                “People call me the Passer,” she continued as if he hadn’t said anything.”And you are?”

                “Christopher. Now tell me about this mirror world.”



                I walked down the street, trying not to run into the many people. Machines flew past me, making low buzzing sounds. They were like carriages, but they weren’t pulled by some type of horse. They used more magic here than I thought. I’ve seen doors open up themselves, people talking to each other through little boxes, and metal dragons fly through the air.

                “I want to go home,” I whispered and tried not to look at anyone. I knew they were looking at me. Some laughed and others tried to stay as far away from me as possible. It was like they thought I was crazy.

                I stopped and looked into the window of a building. I could see a large, flat box with moving pictures. I went into the building and sat down in one of the chairs, trying not to look out of place. People walked in and out, most of them holding white and brown cups in their hands.

                I looked back at the picture box, watching it curiously. What was it? I kept watching, tempted to leave when I noticed something familiar. My eyes widened at the picture on the box.

                It was a dragon.

                But how? How did it get in there? 

                I quickly stood up and looked out the window. I didn’t see anything from my world. But if the dragon was here, surly something else was. I looked back at the box and listed closely to what the people were saying. How could all those people fit in there?  

                One of the women trapped in the small box said that if you saw anything unusual to report it immediately.

                I turned and saw a few people sitting in chairs. They looked up at me, then down at their tiny boxes. They put the boxes to their ear and started talking. What a strange way of communication.

                I turned back to the larger box on the wall, but the dragon was gone. Now there was a woman and a child sitting at a table, looking over a book. I made a face and turned away from the box.

                The people looked up at me and a loud sound reached my ears. They looked terrified. Blue and red flashed against the buildings and reflected off the windows. Were they coming for me? The magic carriages stopped in front of the building.

                They were coming for me. I quickly ran out of the shop and ran away from the carriages. People yelled to me, telling me to stop.

I wasn’t going to stop. I was going to run as far as my legs could take me.

                Or at least that is what I thought.

                “Do whatever it takes to take it down, but do not kill it!” A woman yelled to the others.

                I saw more flashing lights in front of me and looked around for a way out. The buildings were too tall to climb and nearly every way was blocked off by screaming people or men and women in blue outfits. Some hid behind their carriages like I was going to hurt them.

                I wasn’t going to hurt them, but they were going to hurt me. I stopped running and looked around at the buildings.

                A large white building sitting across the rows of carriages caught my attention.

                I started to run, quickly making my way up the steps to the large building. I had no idea what kind of building it was, but surly I could find a place to hide. I ran past the large marble columns and opened the doors of the building.

                There was nobody inside and the only light was from clusters of candles lit around the room. Long benches sat closely together. Hundreds of people could fit in here. In the front of the room there was another cluster of candles surrounding a man nailed to a cross.

                “What do these people do to each other?” I said quietly, staring horrified at the man.

                People began running up the steps and I ran down the aisle between the benches. The ceilings were tall, so maybe I could hide up there. I didn’t see any stairs, and the only things reaching up to the ceilings were the flat walls and the tall columns.

                The sound of my shoes echoed in the room, giving away my location no matter where I went. There was a door behind one of the columns and I ran through it. It led to a hallway with doors on either side. I tried to open them, but they were all locked, so I kept running.

The hallway was nearing its end and I was still trapped. I could hear the others run down the hall behind me.

                There was a loud crack and pain exploded in my side. I let out a scream and stumbled, nearly hitting the ground. Black spots started to form in my eyes, but I got up and kept pushing myself. I wouldn’t let these monsters take me.

                I covered my side and tried not to think about the pain. Another crack echoed down the hall and something whizzed past my ear, slamming into the wall in front of me. I winced and tried to blink away the spots, but it was useless.

                My feet showed and I collapsed to the floor, unable to get back up. I felt the coolness of my blood as it pooled around me and watched the monsters approach me. I saw their faces only for a second before the blackness overtook my eyes and I blacked out. 

A/N. I know its short... But I didnt know how to make it any longer. But I still have inspiration to write, so maybe the next chapter will be finsihed sooner. xD

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