Unexpected plans (three)

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At Starbucks

"You didn't tell me we're coming to Starbucks. It's so crowded here."

"Sorry, my bad. Hey look, my friends are already here. I bet you recognise them."

"I do. That's Lucy, the blonde. Kevin, a jock. Devan, also a jock . And Lily, the brunette. I recognise them all from our school."

"Nice. Let's go meet them."

Devan: Hey Rome, who's the chick?

Romeo: This is Ria, she goes to our school. The girl I've been telling you about.

Lily: Oh, Romeo mentions your name a lot. It's finally nice to meet you in person.

Kevin: She's fine bro. You go to our school, huh? How come we've never met or seen you before?

Ria: well.. I have seen you guys a ton of times, but you've never noticed me.

Lucy: Oh, I remember. You're Ria, the shy but cute girl, remember guys?

Devan: Oh yeah. The shy, cute girl. It's finally nice for us to meet you in person.

Romeo:Anyways, what will you like to eat, Ria?

Ria: Can I have a Mac and cheese sandwich?

Romeo: Sure you can. Wait here, I'll go get that for you.

Lucy: So.. What did you do to Romeo to make him fall for you. I mean you two are practically dating, right?

Ria: No, no, no. Romeo and I are just friends.

Kevin: So how did you two meet?

Ria: He got a wrong number from someone, which was mine and so he called me, and I was like "this is a wrong number" and he was all like "bitch gave me the wrong number. I'm so sorry." But I told him that he could keep my number, and that's how it happened.

Lily: why did you let him keep your number?

Ria: I dunno, I just did.

Devon: Do you like Romeo?

Ria: (blushes) No..o..u..m. He and I are just friends.

Lucy: Yup, she totally likes him. And trust me when I say that he totally likes you too. I've never seen Romeo act like this towards a girl, you know, being all nice and all that, without sleeping with her already. He really likes you.

Kevin: That's true. Romeo's a player because girls drool over him. He really likes, and if he didn't, he would've slept with you and thrown you out of his life already.

(Romeo brings the food and keeps them on the table where they were seated. Then, he sat next to Ria.)

Romeo: what did I miss?

Devan: Nothing much.

Ria: (takes a bite out of her sandwich) mmm... This is so good.(everyone stares at her) why are you all staring at me?

Romeo: Maybe, it's because of how you look cute when you eat.

Ria: (giggles) stop lying Romeo.

Lucy: You know, at school you act so shy and stuff. But now you're acting so different. I like this side of you.

Devan: That's right.

Ria: Maybe that's because you guys don't ever talk to me, and you don't know how I'm truly like.


Romeo: OK Ria, let's get going.

Ria: OK.(they both stand up to leave) bye guys.

All: See you later, bye.
(Romeo and Ria leave the scene and got into the car and started driving away.)

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