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[Written 8/3/17]


It started with a bang.

In fact, it ended with one, too. There really wasn't anything in-between the first bang and the last - just the sound of glass shattering, my mother screaming, and my own heartbeat thundering in my ears. I remember vividly how my head snapped back against the seat upon the initial impact, how my body was thrown to the side - and that had been it.

Looking back, it happened so fast. 

Death's funny like that. It comes when you least expect it and sweeps you off your feet. And not in a romantic way, either. 

I remember my last morning - the morning when I died. It was rather uneventful, to be honest. The only odd thing was that even though it was a Saturday, I somehow woke up at six in the morning. Aren't Saturdays annoying like that? All you want to do is to sleep in, but your stupid brain decided that it was a school day and woke you up at six. The worse part is when you attempt to go back to sleep, but discover that you can't. 

Oh, look at me. Getting all nostalgic like that.

My Mum had told me that she wanted to go out grocery shopping, and asked me if I wanted to go along. As I had nothing to do that day, I decided that I would go with her. Say what you will, but grocery shopping is fun. Especially when you get a chance to sample those free foods...

Can people get hungry after death? 

We had gotten into the car and drove to the store. Taylor Swift had been playing on the radio. I wanted to switch channels, but they were playing something that seemed to imitate whale mating calls on the other one, so I stuck with Taylor. Mum had been going on and on about the prices of beetroot juice and to be honest, I had kind of tuned her out. I guessed I should've listened. 

Anything was better than hearing your mother scream before you die.

The accident occurred so quickly and unexpectedly I barely even registered it until the car was flipping upside down, scraping along the concrete. There had been a truck in front of us, and the next thing I knew was that the truck was on top of us, crushing us, devouring us. My head was thrown back. There had been a crack - perhaps of my neck, perhaps of the windows, it didn't matter. My body slammed hard against the door. 

That was it.

There was no bright burst of light, and my life didn't flash past my eyes either. The transition from life to death took a millisecond or less. Now I'm here. I'm not exactly sure where "here" was, but I was definitely somewhere. 

I guess you could say I'm about to embark on the adventure of a deathtime.

Get it? Lifetime, deathtime? No? Okay.

I'm sorry. A girl's gotta stay punny. 



Hey lovelies! <3

Thanks for reading the first chapter of "The Grim Reaper"! I hope you guys are liking it so far! If you did, please click that little star to vote because it goes a long way. Comments are appreciated too! If you didn't, feel free to leave some constructive criticism - I'm always looking for ways to improve!

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely missjordanxoxo, whose comments made my day <3 

Also, don't be too confused by the lighthearted humour in this chapter. This book is meant to be a blend of humour and paranormal/fantasy, so yeah, Natalie's gonna be making a lot of puns xD

Thanks for reading! 


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