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"Elena! Time to eat!" her mom called loudly from downstairs, shaking Elena from her haze. "Coming mom!" she shouted back and reluctantly walked away from the large oak bookshelf. "I was just looking for another book to read. Do you know when the other ones I ordered will arrive?" she inquired as she reached the kitchen entrance. Her mom gave her a look of amusement before she responded. "I just don't understand how you can read so much. Neither me nor your father enjoy it in the slightest." she shook her head and let out a slight laugh. "I think they're supposed to arrive in two days or so. Can you sit down so we can say grace please?" Elena didn't say anything, but rather sighed in response to her mom. She sat down, as per her mom's wish, and joined hands with her father and little brother Timmy.

After her father finished the prayer, she glanced over at Bradley, Timmy's twin brother, who was messing about with his food and a little red car. "Bradley, you know you're not supposed to have toys at the table." her voice remained calm but robust. She knew he wouldn't listen but her parents always told her to try anyways. He gave her an unnerving stare but then continued playing. "My car is stuck in the mud!" he announced while shoving his toy into the charred potatoes on his plate. He didn't get much of a response except for a chuckle from Timmy, which abruptly stopped when their mom took away the car. Bradley slouched back in his chair, taking a potato in between two fingers and lightly nibbling on it.

Elena shook her head and sighed, wanting to start a conversation with her parents. "So you know that book I've been looking for?" she glanced over at her mom and dad, who seemed to be having a private, telepathic conversation. They quickly looked back at Elena though, and engaged in conversation. "Can you give us a little more detail than that?" her dad replied. She didn't respond immediately, as she was trying to figure out if he was joking or not. She had looked everywhere for the book, and he was with her most of the time, so why wouldn't he know? Nonetheless, she decided she would further explain, "It's the one about dragons, written by Timothy Teows." she stated in a questioning tone. No response was given so she continued, "I've been looking for 3 months but nowhere has it in stock. You know? The waiting list online is up to three years. The cover is a bluish haze." she said quickly, trying to jog her parents memories, though it didn't seem to be working. Their facial expressions were that of solid confusion. She stopped for a moment to think of what else might help them remember. "Oh! Your friend," she pointed to her mom. "From your homeschool moms group thing. She asked you about it 3 weeks ago. Her daughter, what's her name? Kate, I think. She was looking for the book and wanted to know if we had found it." her parents giggled in response. "Oh yes, that one." her mom said. "What about it?" Elena watched as her dad stood up from his seat and lightly put his hand on her mom's shoulder. Her mom gave him a nod and he walked off.

"Why are we talking about books so much?" Timmy blustered, causing a jolt from his mom. "Because Timmy, when you're homeschooled for all of your life, you learn that reading is a good way to have fun." Elena told him bluntly and childlike. He stuck his tongue out at her as to tell her she was being mean, but she just laughed in response and turned to her mom once more. "So about the book. There's supposed to be a new shipment at the bookstore tomorrow. Can I go?" she shyly questioned her mom, who gave her a concerned look. "You know I don't like you to miss any school." she told Elena. Elena sighed, "I know but it's not like I'm missing any real school. I can catch up over the weekend." Her mom shook her head, "I'm sorry, I don't think so." Elena stayed silent, feeling a rush of melancholy go through her.

After sitting in silence for a few minutes, her dad walked back into the kitchen holding a small box. Everyone's attention was now focussed towards him as he started to speak. "We know your birthday isn't until next week but we couldn't wait to give this to you." he looked over to her mom and they both smiled at each other. Elena grabbed the box with two hands, feeling it's weight immediately and, for a small second, she had hoped that it was the book she was looking for. The hope soon vanished when she remembered how hard, and unsuccessfully, she had looked for it.

"Dad!" Timmy bellowed, everyone's attention was now shifted to him. "Is it a puppy?" he asked, the excitement radiating from his smile. "No bud, it's not. Maybe next time, okay?" Timmy shrunk back in his chair, all the previous excitement leaving his body as he let out a large sigh. Bradley, on the other hand, was ready for her to open the package. He stood on his knees atop the chair, hunching over the table to get a good view. "Open in!" he exclaimed towards Elena. She looked at her mom questioningly, and when she received a nod, she started opening the package.

Her heart sped up faster and faster the more she opened the box. It was taped shut quite well so it wasn't an easy task but as she finally ripped the last piece of tape off, she tossed the box onto the table and jumped up from her seat. Her hands soon found her mouth as she gasped and jumped up and down. "How?" is the only word she could get out of her mouth as she gave her mom and dad both a large hug.

Intrigued, Timmy opened the flap of the box and pulled out the contents. "Seriously?" he let out a whine. "It's a book." he muttered under his breath. Looking up at Elena he continued, "What's so special," he paused and looked at it again. "About a book?" he handed it to Elena, who grasped it tightly and stared at the cover. "Look at it, it's beautiful." she gushed. "What's not to love about it? There's a phenomenal green dragon standing tall and proud. And the girl, she's beautiful, slender and tall. Look, she's standing in front of the dragon but behind them both is a city covered in fog. Her long brown hair is draping perfectly straight over her shoulders while a few strands drift away from her with the wind. I wish mine looked like that.

The bright red top, wow!" she exclaimed further. "It complements her complexion, that seems to be glistening in the dull sunlight, perfectly." she paused, continuing to look at the cover. "Her leather pants are a little stereotypical in my opinion but I love the knee high boots she's wearing with them.She's absolutely astounding." she stopped what she was saying and brought the book up to her face. She closes her eyes and smelled the book, which brought a large smile to her face. "It looks so new, so clean cut and straight. The smell is my favorite. It's like, freshly chopped down wood and new leather, combined into one perfect element." her parents both laugh in unison. "Thank you for the very elaborately spoken description Elena. Why don't you finish your food and then you can go read it?" Elena nodded in response to her mom and laid the book down on the counter, away from food. As she eats, she pictures the book in her head again. The large, sharp print spelling out the first three words, while the last one is in a large, gorgeous cursive font. She imagines sitting down on her bed, diving into the book as if it were her as the main character. That was one of her favorite things to do when reading. It was as if she could feel the story more by her name being immersed in it.

Elena snapped out of her daydreaming when she heard her mom speak. "I've never seen a teenager so excited to receive a book. Especially in today's generation. Have you?" her mom looked to her father, who chuckled and replied. "Neither have I. In fact I've never seen an adult this excited either," both her parents giggled again and Elena shook her head, smiling at her parents laughter.

"Where'd you find it?" she asked, genuinely curious. "We ordered it from a small place in Vermont." her dad stated. Her mom nodded and purses her lips before telling Timmy and Bradley to go get ready for bed. "Weird." is all Elena could find to respond with.

After a few smaller conversations with her dad, she helped clean the table off and then went upstairs to read her new book, Mystery of the Void. She didn't bother changing her clothes or showering but instead sat down on her bed and began to read.

First, she read the back of the book, though she had already read it a good amount of times. 'Arrieta is a girl from a small town who has been through a lot growing up. After devorcing her father, her mother moves her to a town that her childhood best friend had previously moved to. It was supposed to be a fresh start, but upon arrival, a dragon appears randomly, causing pandamonium and many rumors to start around town. It wasn't planned to be hectic for her family- or was it? What will Arrieta discover about her new school and new home, not to mention the many family secrets that she'll uncover along the way.'

Elena felt a smile come upon her like a plague, she couldn't wait to read the book. She opened it to the first page and did what she always did when reading, she replaced the main character with herself. Soon enough, she was sucked into the world of danger and dragons.

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