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"I swear to god Grace I am in heaven." , Amelie my best friend dreamed away during the literature class.

"How did you meet him again?" , I asked.

I haven't seen her in so long, she didn't attend to class and the reason for that was a boy. I love Amelie but she's one of those kinds of girls that when she meets a boy her whole world is about them.

"At a concert in a little bar." , she smiled. "We've been together 24/7 the past week. Sorry for not texting so often."

I nodded.

"It's alright. I have enough to do with my finals." , I answered. "They're just around the corner Amelie, just saying."

She rolled her eyes.

"I am never going to become a lawyer, we both know that."

I took a sip of my coffee and looked to the front. To my favourite man of all time. Mister Landson. He was my literature professor. Don't get me wrong I just loved the way he impressed himself and how he let his knowledge stream through the whole room. I absolutely adored it.

The lesson went by way too fast so that meant that it was time for my major classes. 

„When do you have your next class? I want you to meet George, he is waiting for me in the parking lot." , she grinned like a little girl.

I suggested George was the boyfriend then. I was pretty sure it was the same type of guy she has dated for the past three years since we are at university. Those who play the bad boy and are like the dumbest kinds of our humanity ever. Most of them smoke weed to look cool and they "don't give a fuck". I never got along with one of her boyfriends which was sometimes a problem because we lived together. The only strange thing was that she didn't bring George home immediately. But she said he was busy.

We went out to the parking lot with a coffee in my hand again. Did I mention that I was an addict? Coffee was basically the only lover I had the past three years. We walked towards a tall guy. His hair was messy and was leaning against a truck. His eyes were covered with a Ray Ban and in the other hand he held a cigarette. The closer we got the taller he became. Shit that dude was tall! Amelie started running towards him to kiss him passionately.

"George. I want you to meet Grace. Grace, that's George. My baby." , she grinned and he reached me his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

He smiled at me. I didn't have the usual urge to throw up.

"The pleasure is mine George." , I smiled. "But as much as I liked to get to know you better and watch you guys lick each other I have to get going if you don't mind."

"Well what are you up to tonight?" , George asked.

"Ehm probably studying." , I replied and Amelie rolled her eyes at me, like she already did a hundred times before.

"My band and I have a pretty cool gig tonight. Maybe you can quit studying for an evening and watch Amelie and me lick for some more hours."

He laughed and I grinned.

"I'll think about it." , I said.

"I will pick you girls up at eight."

George nodded at me smiling again and opened the door for Amelie. Amelie hugged me for a brief moment and said we would see each other.

Somebody To Stay // Matty Healy.Where stories live. Discover now