|| Nine ||

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We got into the car right away.
"Can you tell me what's going on?"
"A manager called Matty. He didn't say more." , Amelie said all excited as she drove down the road.
Within ten minutes we were at their flat. I have never been there before but it looked quite okay despite the fact that I know what kind of people they are now.
We got into the elevator and I already heard from all the shouting where their flat was. Amelie rang their bell and within seconds George opened the door smiling like he just saw an unicorn. That would be a reason why I smiled like that.
He took our hands and pointed us to the living room where everyone was jumping around and screaming and smoking weed.
"So what did the E-Mail say?" , Amelie screamed on top of them and I was just standing there watching them having the time of their lives.
"Dear Matthew, George, Ross and Adam. I had the pleasure to see you live in London the past weekend and I was absolutely blown away by your way of expressing music. I don't want to write much. Just that I want to try you guys out. I couldn't stop thinking about you. If you are ready to try it with me too I would like you to come to visit me in London next Month. To make some demos and see where we are going. Looking forward hearing from you!" , George read out loud and as soon as he was done everyone started shouting again.
I started smiling too. I was so proud of them. They deserved it. They lived for the music.
"What do you say Gracie? Isn't this fucking amazing?" , Matty screamed behind me as soon as he wrapped his arms around me.
I took his hand and looked into his eyes.
"It's incredible. I am so proud of you." , I screamed because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to hear me.
He took my face and kissed my cheek once again. Then turned me around to give me a real hug.
"Let's party this shit!" , Ross screamed. "Yeah let's head to the bar or should we stay here and invite some people?"
Matty looked over to me. As happy as I was for the boys I couldn't really show it. The tiredness was taking over and I was a complete mess. I couldn't show any emotions anymore. I wanted to party with them but I wasn't able to, at all. It was only seven pm and I felt like I haven't slept in weeks.
"Uhm." , Matty started. "Maybe we should head down to The Crazy Horse."
"Fuck yes!" , George screamed and he poured his whole beer over me.
Everyone got silent and looked at me. I just started to smile awkwardly.
"It's alright." , I mumbled and looked down on me.
It at least woke me up a bit.
"One of us must have some girls shirts here." , George said looking at Matty.
Matty pointed me in a direction.
"The shirts I have here are pretty tight. I am sure that you won't like them." , he mumbled. "Take that."
He threw a shirt at me which was smelling just like him.
"This is probably tight too. You aren't the widest either."
He showed me his tounge before he left his room to change. I sat down on his bed to undress my wet shirt and dress with Matty's. I looked over to the bed. I was so fucking tired it was insane. I slept in complete maybe four hours the past few days.
"What's up with you?" , I heard Matty's voice as he stood in the door.
"I-I am just so tired. I haven't slept in days." , I mumbled. "But that doesn't keep me from being happy for you guys."
Matty began to smile.
"Do you want to stay here?" , he asked.
"No I mean what shall I do alone in your flat?"
He giggled and sat next to me.
"Your eyes are pretty tiny. I am afraid that you won't even be able to stand up again." , he laughed. "I'll tell them you stay here and Amelie will come get you as soon as you return."
"I can't just crash at yours to sleep?"
"Trust me I don't let girls just sleep in my bed that often too." , he laughed. "Besides that why not? Just take a nap and I am coming to get you later for a drink in the bar."
"Because, actually I am still mad at you." , I said and Matty drove his fingers through his hair.
"Try to get some sleep." , he mumbled. "You don't have to be afraid of this dickhead anymore so you can finally sleep in peace."
He got up and closed the door behind him. I heard some mumbling until I heard the door shut. I laid back. I couldn't imagine a more perfect place to be right now. Any bed would have been a pure piece of heaven right now. It didn't last long until I fell asleep with nothing but Matty's smell in my nose.

I got woken up by someone trying to move me. I mumbled something and that was followed by some giggeling.
"Matty?" , I mumbled all tired.
"You are a fucking stone." , he hissed and I bit my lip.
"Sorry. S-Should I leave?"
"No way. It's four AM. I won't let you go outside in this neighbourhood."
"What? It's four AM?"
Did I really sleep that long? I just wanted to take nap and then join them.
"You've slept so peacefully. Not even my cold heart could have bared waking you up." , he mumbled and I turned around to face him.
We were lying face to face.
"Nice." , I whispered. "Now I can't sleep anymore."
"Always an adventure with you Gracie."
Matty smiled sitting himself up and grabbing something from his nightstand. I just watched him doing what he was doing. Rolling a joint.
"What do you think when you're in a room full of people?" , he asked and I looked up at him.
"You understood me."
"Yeah but what kind of question is that?"
"Just answer it Gracie. We talked about being friends and getting to know each other and stuff."
Why did I hate that word friends so much since we decided to be them.
"Ehm. I hate when people look at me." , I whispered. "I hate attention. As soon as I get it I think about every move I make and what I might do wrong."
"Do you hate when I look at you?"
He looked at me in an intense way and I popped a smile.
"Right now I don't. I hated it when you looked at me in the beginning. You crashed my world down as soon as you embarrassed me a week ago in that backstage area."
"What? When I said you look like a 12 year old?"
I nodded and looked down.
"I see." , he mumbled sticking the joint between his lips and lightening I up. "I am sorry."
"It's alright."
"But besides that you should work on that attention thing. You shouldn't think about people you don't care about."
I shock my head. He handed me the joint.
"Breathe in very clearly and don't panic when you taste it." , he smiled.
I sat up and took it. Matty watched every move I made. I breathed in and out very successfully and smiled at him like I just got an award.
"You are so fucking adorable for fucks sake." , he cursed and I took another puff. "You know we won't ever be the best friends."
He came closer to me grabbing the joint. Our faces were just a few inches separated. He took a puff.
"Breathe in." , he whispered.
His hands got down to my waist carefully grabbing them pulling me closer to him. He breathed out the smoke and I breathed it in. While I was doing that we were holding the eye contact. As soon as I was done Matty came closer to me but he didn't kiss me. Instead he kissed my cheek, again. How much I hated that cheek kissing by now. But then he got down to my neck kissing every inch of it. I closed my eyes because fuck I never felt something so good. His face came back to my height and he looked me in the eyes before he stroked my cheek. He took my hand and laid me down with his arms wrapping around my waist and his hand remaining in mine. I never thought he would be someone who likes spooning.
I felt his breath pumping against my neck. I closed my eyes noticing that Matty was stroking my hand. I didn't know what was up with him or what was going on. All I knew that this moment was beautiful and I felt safe right next to Matty.

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hoped you liked it! Let me know!


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