|| Seven ||

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"Your eyes look like you had a hell of a night."
Yeah an half an hour nap.
"Didn't get much sleep." , I nodded sipping on the coffee.
I was sitting in the lobby annoyed by my mind. Amelie looked at me in shook.
"P-Please don't tell me." , she stuttered.
"No." , I said. "He is in my room but nothing happened."
"Why the hell is he in your room?"
"Because he lost his key and he had to throw up."
"So you took care of him."
I nodded.
"He doesn't deserve that. Just look at the way he's been treating you."
"We are good now." , I explained before I took another sip of the coffee.
Amelie sighed. She knew what was going on inside of me without even knowing the whole story.
"Hello Ladies." , Ross greeted us with his sunglasses on. "What a night." , he smiled.
He let himself down next to me and looked at my coffee.
"Would you like to have sip?" , I smiled and he grinned at me.
"If you offer I can't take that down."
Ross took my cup and made a huge sip. So huge that the cup ended up empty.
"I think I am going down to that coffee shop to get more." , I said.
"Mind if I come along?" , Ross asked and I shook my head.
"Maybe you should go see who of the boys is able to drive." , I ordered Amelie and she nodded. "I can get one car."
Then I went off with Ross.
"Why did you leave so early?" , he asked. "Didn't you have fun this weekend?"
"I wasn't myself this weekend. Finals are influencing too much." , I lied.
"Try to have more fun in the future. I bet it looks good on you." , Ross smiled and we entered the coffee shop.
We ordered coffee for everyone and Ross and I talked a bit more about their gig yesterday and how amazing they were.
"I just hope some kind of guy was watching us and wants us now. We can't do those poor gigs forever." , he mumbled and I nodded.
"You will be okay. I believe in you guys. People will want to hear you."
"If you say so. Since you are the realistic one." , he grinned.
As soon as we were back in the Lobby everyone was downstairs except for George and Matty. I have already packed my things so I didn't need to go back to my room. The only thing left in there was a half dead Matty.
"George and Matty are trying to get into his room to get his things." , Amelie explained.
"Adam didn't drink too much so he will drive with us and you and Matty drive back."
Oh man. 3 hours with Matty in a car. I just nodded and we were waiting for the other boys to get back.
"Oh man." , I heard someone mumbling as I was scrolling through Instagram. "30 pounds for losing the key."
I looked up and Matty stood in front of us with his ripped jeans and his black shirt and his black glasses. Like he likes to say. He is dressed in black from head to toe.
"Fuck me." , he laughed at George. "I am still drunk."
George laughed at his best friend and nodded in agreement.
"C'mon guys. We need to go." , I said.
"Why are you in a hurry? Do you have to study?" , Matty grinned.
"Yes. I have to." , I mumbled and pointed him with me walking outside sitting myself into the car.
It lasted a few more minutes until Matty decided to join me. I started the car and drove ahead. The first ten minutes were pure silence that I could barely stand.
"Do you mind if I listen to some music?" , I mumbled.
No answer. I looked over to him, to see that he fell asleep again. He slept for hours. I didn't even sleep for one.
I turned on the radio to hear that Bob Dylan was playing. I absolutely adored him. I summed with his voice in silence to keep myself awake. I didn't want to kill both of us by falling asleep while driving.

Matty didn't move within the first hour. He was completely dead. He didn't even wake up when I couldn't resist singing along to a song on the radio. Some time I caught myself watching him sleep again but since he had his glasses on I couldn't see his whole face.
"I like your voice." , he suddenly said and I winced.
"Fuck Matty. You can't do that while I am driving." , I hissed and he giggled.
He took off his glasses to rub his eyes and to sit himself up.
"You look like shit. Did you sleep last night?" , he asked.
"Barely." , I said under my breath.
"Come on. Get out of the road. I'll drive the rest." , he said while lightening himself a cigarette up.
"Alright." , I said. "Can you give me one?"
He put the already burning cigarette in my mouth and I took it.
"Thank you."
"I don't get it. You almost drink nothing, are a straight A student and you don't fuck around but you're still smoking."
"It calms me. Being a straight A student is more exhausting that you know. Most of the nerds are drug addicts." , I mumbled. "To study through the night and stuff."
"And you do that?"
"No. I don't deal with shit like this." , I said derogatory.
I almost forgot that he did coke. How could I forget a fact like that so easily.
"I-I am sorry I didn't mean to."
Matty laughed again.
"I think you're the first person apologizing for finding drugs bad."
I bit my lip.
"So you think I am less of a person?"
"What? No. I never said that." , I looked at him for a brief moment.
He looked tired and done with his life.
"Your attitude shows different."
"I am in a completely different world than you. This whole rock n' roll life style is something I never knew."
"It's not a lifestyle." , he said.
I felt him getting angry. Why did we talk about this topic again? We were doing so good.
"Like I said yesterday. I am not judging."
"But you're thinking."
"Since when is it important to you what people think?"
"Like you said yesterday. You don't know me." , he mumbled and I stopped the car.
I took a deep breath before I got out of the drivers seat. I didn't want to have any further conversation with him. That whole friend thing isn't working so well. As soon as Matty started driving silence was filling the car again. None of us talked. How could he expect that I take that coke thing so easily. It is serious business and if he thought that everybody gets along with that just like that he must really be living in a dream world. Eventhough so many thoughts were running through my mind I couldn't help myself but fall asleep.

"Gracie." , I heard whispering. "We're here."
I felt fingers running through my hair and it was the most amazing feeling to wake up to. I opened my eyes and looked at Matty. He had something white covering his nose. He did it again, while he was driving in a car with me in it.
"Amelie is at our place but I didn't know if you would like to go home so I brought you here first."
"You did fucking coke while you were driving? I wasn't judging till now but that is bullshit." , I said. "What if you took too much and you crashed the car?"
"Yeah what if. It's not like something happened. I brought you home safe so stop being a bitch."
"For fucks sake." , I cursed. "You know what. I am Amelie's friend and you are George's. We don't have to get along. I don't want to be a part of this whole thing you are doing. It's too much for me. Kill yourself with that shit if you want to but don't bring me in this." , I screamed taking my bag and leaving the car in rage. I stormed into my house and almost ran up to our flat. My phone rang before I could even enter the room.
"What?" , I shouted.
"Woah. What have I done to you?" , Amelie said.
"I thought you were someone else."
"Are you okay?"
"Yes." , I lied.
"Just wanted to let you know that I am crushing at George's if it's okay with you."
"Yeah whatever."
I hung up. I was raging, so much that I started crying as soon as I closed the door. I didn't mean to be that angry with Amelie but I couldn't stand people at that moment. How senseless can a human being be?
I went into my room took out some comfortable clothes and wanted to go to the bathroom as I saw my literature books on the bed. That's when realisation hit me. I was back in Manchester. I had to go back to university again and I had to face Mister Landson. Even though the weekend was so full of drama I would rather stay in London for a few more days than going back to the university not knowing what to do. I had a literature class tomorrow morning. How was I able to do that?

Hope u liked it! Let me know!


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